The 26th Annual We the People National Finals looks forward to welcoming parents and visitors from around the country! The following information will help you better understand and enjoy the competition and events. Information Desk > Learn More Information Desk Visitors must register at the Center’s information desk each day. Information Desk Locations Visitors will be issued a name or state badge that should be worn at all times during competition events. Your name or state badge ensures your access to hearing rooms. Visitors without name badges will not be admitted into the hearing rooms. Hearing Rooms Saturday and Sunday The hearings will take place in the George W. Johnson Center and Innovation Hall. Because the hearing rooms are limited in size the number of open seats depends on the class size and number of parents and visitors. Every effort will be made to ensure that parents and visitors who have come to see a particular student testify will be seated in the room during that student’s unit hearing. Parents and visitors may stand in the back of the room unless otherwise directed due to fire codes and at the discretion of the teacher or Center staff. As usual, classes that have a large number of parents and visitors may have to devise rotation schedule. To ensure that the hearings are not interrupted, parents and visitors will be admitted to the hearing room at appropriate break times (between units) and after the judges have left the room. To ensure fairness anyone affiliated with a competing class (teachers, coaches, students, chaperons, parents, friends, relatives, etc.) may not enter the hearing room of any other competing class. Once a class hearing is completed, floor supervisors and Center staff will help direct classes and visitors exit in a timely fashion. Parking at George Mason University on Saturday and Sunday If you are driving to campus, note that most GPS devices only recognize the 4400 University Drive address for George Mason University. Once on campus, you will need to follow the signs or a campus map. Metrorail Information to and from George Mason University The closest Metrorail stop to George Mason University is the Vienna Orange Line metro stop. On Saturday and Sunday, there is no free shuttle from the stop to campus, so taxi service is the only option. Monday The Student Orientation will he held in the George W. Johnson Center. On the Saturday and Sunday there will be a half hour briefing for all classes before the hearings begin. Robert Leming, Director of the We the People Programs and Mark Molli, Director of Governmental Relations will officially welcome students, teachers, parents, and visitors to the 26th Annual We the People National Finals and address the students about important matters concerning the competition. Upon arrival floor supervisors and Center staff will direct students to the Orientation room. The briefings will be held in Dewberry Hall. Parents and visitors are welcome. At the end of the briefing, floor supervisors and Center staff will direct classes to their hearing rooms. Once all classes have been dismissed, parents and visitors will be directed to the hearing rooms. Awards Ceremony The Awards Ceremony will take place at the Center for the Arts Concert Hall on the campus of George Mason University. In past years the Awards Ceremony could only accommodate students, teachers, judges, coordinators, and Center Staff because of space. This year is no different. We are pleased that so many parents are attending the competition, in fact, three times the number that attended in past years. Because of the large number of parents and visitors we will, as in past years, not be able to accommodate parents and visitors at the Awards Ceremony. The ceremony is the culminating event of the 26th Annual We the People National Finals. This is the time to celebrate the accomplishments of all of the students and teachers participating in the national finals. Approximately 1,800 students, teachers, judges, volunteers, Center for Civic Education staff, and special guests will be in attendance. Recognition awards will be given to all participating teachers. In addition, twenty-one class awards will be given, including six unit awards, five regional awards, and tenth- through first-place awards. |