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Lesson 3: What is a republican government?


Lesson Purpose

The Founders gained some of their ideas about government from studying history. They used this knowledge when they created our government. They did not create a democracy like we have today. They created a republic.

Lesson Objectives

When you have finished this lesson, you should be able to explain
  • the difference between a direct democracy and a republic,
  • why the Founders created a republic instead of a democracy,
  • some of the advantages of republican government, and
  • the importance of the concepts of common good and civic virtue.

Lesson Terms

direct democracy
This type of democracy means that the people themselves meet and make the laws that they decide are needed.

Lesson Biographies

Cincinnatus (520-430 BCE)
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was an aristocrat and political figure of the Roman Republic, serving as consul in 460 BC and Roman dictator in 458 BC and 439 BC. Cincinnatus was regarded by the Romans, especially the aristocratic patrician class, as one of the heroes of early Rome and as a model of Roman virtue and simplicity.

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