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Lesson 17: How does the Constitution protect your right to freedom of expression?

Lesson Purpose
The Founders believed that freedom of expression is important for all citizens. In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of freedom of expression. You will learn why freedom of expression is important to you and to our nation. You will also learn about when it might be reasonable to limit this freedom.
Lesson Objectives
When you have finished this lesson, you should be able to
- explain what freedom of expression means,
- list some of the benefits of freedom of expression, and
- describe situations in which it is fair and reasonable to limit your right to freedom of expression.
Lesson Terms
To make known your thoughts and feelings.
freedom of expression
Lesson Biographies
Dyer, Mary (1611-1660 CE)
Born in England, Dyer and her husband emigrated to Boston in 1635. As a Quaker who preached ideas unpopular with the Puritan leaders of Boston, she was banned from the city under threat of death. When she returned, she was arrested and hanged publicly on June 1, 1660.
Buckner, John (1631-1695 CE)
Zenger, John Peter (1697-1746 CE)