![]() To a large extent the quality of the National Finals experience for students and teachers is based upon the expertise and demeanor of the judges. Seventy-two judges will participate in the competition on Saturday and Sunday and eighteen judges will participate on Monday. Please review the resources on this webpage. In addition, a packet will be available for you with more information at the National Finals information desk in the lobby of the Mason Inn on Friday evening and in the judges' orientation room on Saturday and Sunday. ![]() Judges' Resources
26th Annual We the People National Finals Judges David Adler Director & Cecil D. Andrus Professor of Public Affairs, Andrus Center for Public Policy, Boise, ID Barry Anderson Associate Justice, Minnesote Supreme Court, St. Paul, MN Michael Anderson Vice President for Academic Affairs, Wayne State College, Wayne, NE Frederick S. Ansell Counsel, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Chevy Chase, MD Richard Bader Chair, Law, Youth and Citizenship Committee, NY State Bar Association, Vooheesville, NY Scott Bales Vice Chief Justice, Arizona Supreme Court, Phoenix, AZ Douglas Beckstead Historian, U.S. Air Force, Anchorage, AK Thom Brown Attorney, Cosgrave Vergeer Kester LLP, Portland, OR Chris Bryant Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, OH Judi L. Calhoun President, Indiana Bar Foundation, Muncie, IN Larry Carbone New York County Lawyers' Association, New York, NY John M. Carroll Attorney-at-Law, Evanston, IL Emmanuel Caudillo Policy Advisor, White House Initiative on Excellence for Hispanics, Washington, D.C. Henry L. Chambers, Jr. Professor of Law, University of Richmond School of Law, Richmond, VA Jeffrey E. Cox* Attorney, Seaton and Husk, LP, Vienna, VA Robert R. Cupp Former Justice, Ohio Supreme Court, Lima, OH Lynn W. Davis State Court Judge, 4th District Court, Provo, UT Carl J. Dermady, Jr. (Ret.) K-12 Social Studies Consultant, Jefferson Parish Public Schools, Harvey, LA Lindsey Draper Attorney, Wisconsin Office or Justice Assistance, Wauwatosa, WI Jeanie Dubinski Chief Legal Officer, Waste Pro USA Inc., Longwood, FL Charles Dunlap Executive Director, Indiana Bar Foundation, Indianapolis, IN Madeline E. Dunn Curator of Education - Historian, Historical and Cultural Affairs, Dover, DE Marcia Ellis Children & Youth Program Manager, National Crime Prevention Council, Arlington, VA Joseph Fischer State Representative, Fort Thomas, KY Stephen Frantzich Professor, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD Jamie Gass Director, Center for School Reform, Pioneed Institute, Boston, MA Benjamin Glickman* Deputy Attorney General, California Department of Justice, Sacramento, CA Michael Graffeo Circuit Judge, 10th Judicial Court, Birmingham, AL Jeffrey Hallem Assistant Attorney General, Pierre, SD Clive Hallman Professor Emeritus, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Shawn P. Healy Civic Learning & Engagement Scholar, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Chicago, IL Margaret Heubeck Director of Instruction, University of Virginia Center for Politics, Charlottesville, VA Keith Howard Assistant Professor, Charlotte School of Law, Charlotte, NC David L. Hudson, Jr. Senior Law Clerk, Justice Lee, Tennessee Supreme Court, Nashville, TN John P. Kaminski Director, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, Madison, WI Ron Keefover Education - Information Officer, Office of the Judicial Administration, Topeka, KS Sheila Kennedy, Professor of Law & Policy, IUPUI School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indianapolis, IN Patrick O. King Office of Bar Counsel, Northern Nevada Bar Center, Reno, NV Kate Kuykendell Montana Justice Foundation, Missoula, MT Ted A. Larson State Coordinator, National Assessment for Education Progress, Martell, NE Susan M. Leeson Mediator, Oregon Federal District Court, Salem, OR Bob Letourneau (Ret.) State Senator, Derry, NH Andrew D. Levy Attorney, Brown, Goldstein, and Levy LLP, Baltimore, MD Claire McCaffery Griffin Director of Special Projects, James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, Alexandria, VA Barbara McCormack Director of Education, Newseum, Washington, D.C. Reta A. McKannan Attorney, Huntsville, AL Mike Miles Treasurer, Jefferson County, Birmingham, AL Timothy D. Moore Deputy Director, Center for the Study of the American Constitution, Waukesha, WI Kristen Morrow Missouri Advisory Council on Citizenship Education, Jefferson City, MO Paula A. Nakayama Associate Justice, Hawaii Supreme Court, Honolulu, HI Rob Neate Assistant General Counsel, Puget Sound Energy, Bellevue, WA Robert D. Oster Attorney, Oster Law Offices, Lincoln, RI Diana Owen, Associate Professor of Political Science and American Studies Chair, Georgetown University, Chevy Chase, MD Jerry W. Perry (Ret.) Professor of Government, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX Keith A. Pesto Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania, Johnstown, PA Liza Prendergast* Deputy Director for Strategy and Business Development, Democracy International, Washington, D.C. Jeannette Robertson Attorney-at-Law, Robertson Law Firm, Little Rock, AR Donald W. Rogers Assistant Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University, Vernon, CT Robert A. Schadler Senior Fellow, American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, D.C. Michael J. Schessler Partner, Bowles Rice LLP, Charlestown, WV Patricio M. Serna (Ret.) Justice, New Mexico Supreme Court, Sante Fe, NM Julie Silverbrook Executive Director, The Constitutional Sources Project, Washington, D.C. Sander Sowers Attorney, Lear Werts LLP, Columbia, MO John J. Sponski Treasurer & Board of Directors Member, Montpelier Foundation, Locust Dale, VA Candida Steel Judge, U.S. Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, Severna Park, MD Joseph Stewart, Jr. Professor of Political Science, Clemson University, Clemson, SC Daniel Taubman Judge, Colorado Court of Appeals, Denver, CO Thomas R. Tinder Executive Director, West Virginia Bar Foundation, Charleston, WV Lynn Uzzell Scholar in Residence, Center for the Constitution, Fishersville, VA Louie L. Vega Judge, Superior Court of California, Kern County, CA Edward L. Volpe Attorney, Edward L. Volpe, P.C., Denver, CO Thomas Vontz Professor of Education, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Shelli Weisberg Legislative Director, ACLU of Michigan, Detriot, MI Devin A. Wiser* Legislative Assistant, Congressman Rob Bishop, Arlington, VA Patricia H. Wong (Ret.) Court Commissioner, Sacramento County Superior Court, Sacramento, CA Marty Wood Assistant Principal, Kelly Walsh High School, Casper, WY Tim Young Teaching Specialist, University of Delaware, Ocean View, DE Anne Ziaja Director, Senate Legislative Education Office, Boston, MA *Denotes We the People alumni |