60-Second Civics

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60-Second Civics: Episode 302, Philadelphia Convention, Part 32: Great Compromise
In this episode, we learn that opposition to the Great Compromise led to a crisis at the Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 301, Philadelphia Convention, Part 31: Great Compromise
Today, we look at the gains and losses on both sides in the Great Compromise.

60-Second Civics: Episode 300, Philadelphia Convention, Part 30: Great Compromise
Today, we examine the first steps taken toward the Great Compromise at the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 299, Philadelphia Convention, Part 29: New Jersey Plan
Today, we discuss the delegates' plan to save the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 298, Philadelphia Convention, Part 28: New Jersey Plan
On the podcast today, we learn how the rejection of the New Jersey Plan threatened the Constitutional Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 297, Philadelphia Convention, Part 27: New Jersey Plan
On today's podcast, we learn how the New Jersey Plan was meant to reform the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 296, Philadelphia Convention, Part 26: New Jersey Plan
Today discuss the powers of Congress under the New Jersey Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 295, Philadelphia Convention, Part 25: New Jersey Plan
Today we begin our discussion of the New Jersey Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 294, Philadelphia Convention, Part 24: Crisis over representation
On today's episode, we explore the crisis over representation at the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 293, Philadelphia Convention, Part 23: Virginia Plan
On the podcast today, we examine the preference of some delegates at the Philadelphia Convention for equal representation of the states.

60-Second Civics: Episode 292, Philadelphia Convention, Part 22: Virginia Plan
Today we discuss disagreements about representation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 291, Philadelphia Convention, Part 21: Virginia Plan
On today's podcast, we learn about the Virginia Plan's proposal to create a two-house Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 290, Philadelphia Convention, Part 20: Virginia Plan
Today we discuss the powers of Congress under the Virginia Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 289, Philadelphia Convention, Part 19: Virginia Plan
Today on the podcast we examine the national legislature under the Virgina Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 288, Philadelphia Convention, Part 18: Virginia Plan
On today's episode: The Virginia Plan and federalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 287, Philadelphia Convention, Part 17: Virginia Plan
On today's podcast, we learn about the strength of the national government under the Virginia Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 286, Philadelphia Convention, Part 16: Madison and the Virginia Plan
Today we are introduced to James Madison's proposal for government: the Virginia Plan.

60-Second Civics: Episode 285, Philadelphia Convention, Part 15: Committees
On today's episode, we explain the four key committees of the Constitutional Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 284, Philadelphia Convention, Part 14: Secrecy
Today we learn why the Framers wanted to keep the proceedings of the Philadelphia Convention secret.

60-Second Civics: Episode 283, Philadelphia Convention, Part 13: Civil discourse
On today's episode, we explain the importance of civil discourse during the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 282, Philadelphia Convention, Part 12: Rules of debate, continued
Today we discuss four key rules of the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 281, Philadelphia Convention, Part 11: Rules of debate
On the podcast today, we discuss three of the rules adopted for the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 280, Philadelphia Convention, Part 10: Rhode Island
Today we learn why Rhode Island refused to send delegates to the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 279, Philadelphia Convention, Part 9: Missing Founders
On today's episode, we learn about some of the important Founders who did not attend the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 278, Philadelphia Convention, Part 8: Morris, Randolph, Sherman
Today we discuss Gouverneur Morris, Edmund Randolph, and Roger Sherman and their roles at the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 277, Philadelphia Convention, Part 7: Franklin, Hamilton, and Wilson
On today's episode, we discuss Benjamin Franklin's, Alexander Hamilton's, and James Wilson's participation in the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 276, Philadelphia Convention, Part 6: James Madison's role
On the podcast today, we examine James Madison's role in the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 275, Philadelphia Convention, Part 5: George Washington's role
Today on the podcast: George Washington and the Constitutional Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 274, Philadelphia Convention, Part 4: Max Farrand on the Framers
On today's episode, we discuss Max Farrand's statement about the Framers.

60-Second Civics: Episode 273, Philadelphia Convention, Part 3: Demographics of the Framers
Today we continue our discussion of the Framers of the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 272, Philadelphia Convention, Part 2: The Framers
Today we discuss the Framers of the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 271, Philadelphia Convention, Part 1: Overview
On today's episode, we begin our discussion of the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 270, Shays' Rebellion, Part 3
Today we conclude our discussion of Shays' Rebellion.

60-Second Civics: Episode 269, Shays' Rebellion, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of Shays' Rebellion.

60-Second Civics: Episode 268, Shays' Rebellion, Part 1
On today's episode, we learn about Shays' Rebellion.

60-Second Civics: Episode 267, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 3
On the podcast today, we learn about the failure of the Annapolis convention and calls for a new convention to amend the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 266, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 2
On today's podcast, we discuss demands for a constitutional convention caused by the weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 265, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 1
Today we discuss attempts to solve the problems of the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 264, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 4
On today's 60-Second Civics: majority tyranny in post-Revolutionary America.

60-Second Civics: Episode 263, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 3
On the podcast today: localists versus cosmopolitans in post-Revolutionary America.

60-Second Civics: Episode 262, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 2
Today we examine how the national government was unable to protect loyalists from the states.

60-Second Civics: Episode 261, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 1
On today's podcast, we discuss weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 260, Achievements of the Articles of Confederation, Part 2
On today's podcast, we discuss the Northwest Ordinance.

60-Second Civics: Episode 259, Achievements of the Articles of Confederation, Part 1
Today we delve into constitutional history by examining the achievements of the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 258, Civil rights since the mid-twentieth century, Part 5: Equal Rights Amendment
On the podcast today: the Equal Rights Amendment.

60-Second Civics: Episode 257, Civil rights since the mid-twentieth century, Part 4: Women's rights
Today we ediscuss the movement for women's rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 256, Civil rights since the mid-twentieth century, Part 3: American Indian Movement
Today we examine the American Indian Movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 255, Civil rights since the mid-twentieth century, Part 2: Farm workers
On the podcast today: the farm workers' movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 254, Civil rights since the mid-twentieth century, Part 1
On today's episode, we discuss how the movement for civil rights has changed since the mid-twentieth century.

60-Second Civics: Episode 253, Doug Jones
Today we discuss attorney Doug Jones, who successfully prosecuted two Birmingham bombers.

60-Second Civics: Episode 252, Civil rights activists, Part 7: Carolyn McKinstry
Today we discuss civil rights activist Carolyn McKinstry.

60-Second Civics: Episode 251, Civil rights activists, Part 6: Septima Clark
On today's episode, we discuss Septima Clark, known as the "Queen Mother of the American Civil Rights Movement."

60-Second Civics: Episode 250, Civil rights activists, Part 5: Mabel Staupers
On the podcast today: the life of nursing pioneer Mabel Staupers.

60-Second Civics: Episode 249, Civil rights activists, Part 4: Andrew Young
Today we explore the life of civil rights activist Andrew Young.

60-Second Civics: Episode 248, Civil rights activists, Part 3: John Lewis
On today's episode, we discuss the contributions of Congressman John Lewis to the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 247, Civil rights activists, Part 2: Dorothy Cotton
Today we discuss the life of civil rights leader Dorothy Cotton.

60-Second Civics: Episode 246, Civil rights activists, Part 1: Fred Shuttlesworth
Today we discuss the life of Fred Shuttlesworth, a leading figure of the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 245, Bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church
On today's episode, we learn about the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963.

60-Second Civics: Episode 244, Children's March
Today, we discuss the Children's March of 1963.

60-Second Civics: Episode 243, Role of the church in the civil rights movement, Part 2
On today's podcast, we examine the role of the African American church during the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 242, Role of the church in the civil rights movement, Part 1
On today's podcast, we examine the role of the African American church in the years leading up to the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 241, Role of the courts, Part 2: Enforcing Brown v. Board of Education
Today we discuss difficulties with enforcing the Brown v. Board of Education decision.

60-Second Civics: Episode 240, Role of the courts, Part 1: Brown v. Board of Education
Today we discuss Brown v. Board of Education.

60-Second Civics: Episode 239, Freedom Riders
On today's episode, we discuss the Freedom Riders.

60-Second Civics: Episode 238, Practitioners of nonviolence: Thoreau, Gandhi, and King
Today we learn how some of the most famous practitioners of nonviolence influenced each other.

60-Second Civics: Episode 237, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 6: The universe is on the side of justice
On the podcast today, we discuss Martin Luther King Jr.'s sixth principle of nonviolence that the universe is on the side of justice.

60-Second Civics: Episode 236, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 5: Love, not hate
Today we discuss the Martin Luther King Jr.'s fifth principle of nonviolence: that nonviolence chooses love instead of hate.

60-Second Civics: Episode 235, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 4: Nonviolence educates and reforms
On the podcast today, we discuss Martin Luther King Jr.'s fourth principle of nonviolence: that nonviolence educates and reforms.

60-Second Civics: Episode 234, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 3: Defeat injustice, not people
Today we discuss Martin Luther King Jr.'s third principle of nonviolence: that nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people.

60-Second Civics: Episode 233, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 2: Nonviolence seeks reconciliation
Today we discuss Martin Luther King Jr.'s second principle of nonviolence: nonviolence seeks reconciliation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 232, Six principles of nonviolence, Principle 1: Nonviolence requires courage
On today's episode, we begin our discussion of Martin Luther King Jr.'s six principles of nonviolence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 231, Civil rights movement, Part 10
Today we discuss the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

60-Second Civics: Episode 230, Civil rights movement, Part 9
On today's episode, we discuss the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

60-Second Civics: Episode 229, Civil rights movement, Part 8
Today we discuss the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

60-Second Civics: Episode 228, Civil rights movement, Part 7
On today's episode, we discuss the importance of nonviolence in the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 227, Civil rights movement, Part 6
Today we discuss the origins of the American civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 226, Civil rights movement, Part 5
Today we discuss how the increase in racially motivated violence in the 1950s prompted federal intervention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 225, Civil rights movement, Part 4
On today's episode, we discuss how racial segregation and discrimination was deeply entrenched in American life in the 1950s.

60-Second Civics: Episode 224, Civil rights movement, Part 3
Today we discuss two types of segregation that contributed to racial polarization in the United States.

60-Second Civics: Episode 223, Civil rights movement, Part 2
On today's podcast, we discuss the effect of the Civil War Amendments on the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 222, Civil rights movement, Part 1
Today we begin our celebration of Black History Month with the first in a series of episodes devoted to the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 221, Articles of Confederation, Part 8
On the podcast today, we discuss the solutions to states' concerns about the national government's power that paved the way for adopting the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 220, Articles of Confederation, Part 7
Today we discuss three issues that aligned groups of states against one another.

60-Second Civics: Episode 219, Articles of Confederation, Part 6
On today's episode, we discuss the powers kept by the states under the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 218, Articles of Confederation, Part 5
Today we discuss how the Articles of Confederation created a ???firm league of friendship" among the states instead of a strong central government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 217, Articles of Confederation, Part 4
Today we discuss how the Continental Congress avoided a strong central government when they adopted the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 216, Articles of Confederation, Part 3
Today we discuss the colonists' fear of a strong government and how it affected the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 215, Articles of Confederation, Part 2
On today's episode, we examine the roles of Benjamin Franklin and Richard Henry Lee in bringing about the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 214, Articles of Confederation, Part 1
Today we begin our discussion of the Articles of Confederation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 213, States' bills of rights, Part 3
On today's episode, we discuss features of states' bills or declarations of rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 212, States' bills of rights, Part 2
Today we examine specific rights guaranteed in states' bills of rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 211, States' bills of rights, Part 1
Today we examine states' bills of rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 210, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Part 3
Today we discuss the rights protected by the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 209, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 208, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Part 1
On the podcast today, we examine the Virginia Declaration of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 207, Introduction to state declarations of rights
Today we begin our discussion of state declarations of rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 206, Massachusetts constitution, Part 3
On today's podcast, we discuss the representation of various economic classes in the Massachusetts constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 205, Massachusetts constitution, Part 2
Today we discuss the executive branch of the Massachusetts constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 204, Massachusetts constitution, Part 1
On today's episode, we examine the Massachusetts constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 203, Legislative supremacy, Part 5
Today we continue our discussion of legislative supremacy in state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 202, Legislative supremacy, Part 4
On the podcast today, we discuss examples of legislative supremacy in state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 201, Legislative supremacy, Part 3
Today we discuss the third reason for states' confidence in legislative supremacy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 199, Legislative supremacy, Part 1
Today we examine the concept of legislative supremacy in American state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 198, Right to vote in early America
Today we discuss representation and the right to vote in early American state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 197, State constitutions: social contract and popular sovereignty
On today's episode we explore the ideas of social contract and popular sovereignty in state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 196, State constitutions: higher law and natural rights
Today we discuss higher law and natural rights in state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 195, Principles of state constitutions
On today's podcast, we examine the principles common to all state constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 194, State governments after the Declaration, Part 2
Today we discuss state governments after 1776.

60-Second Civics: Episode 193, State governments after the Declaration, Part 1
Today we begin our discussion of state governments after the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 192, Declaration of Independence, Part 6
On today's episode, we discuss the idea of the right to revolution in the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 191, Declaration of Independence, Part 5
On today's episode, we discuss the "long Train of Abuses" of King George III.

60-Second Civics: Episode 190, Declaration of Independence, Part 4
Today we discuss the concepts of human equality and government by consent in the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 189, Declaration of Independence, Part 3
On today's podcast, we discuss natural rights philosophy as a foundational idea of the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 188, Declaration of Independence, Part 2
Today we discuss the philosophical underpinnings of the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 187, Declaration of Independence, Part 1
On today's podcast, we discuss the Founders' reasons for issuing a formal declaration of independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 186, Growing consensus
Today we discuss the growing consensus for American independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 185, Lexington and Concord
On today's podcast, we discuss the battles of Lexington and Concord

60-Second Civics: Episode 184, Armed resistance
On the podcast today, we discuss armed resistance to British rule in the American colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 183, First Continental Congress
Today we discuss the First Continental Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 182, Boston Tea Party
On today's episode, we discuss the Boston Tea Party.

60-Second Civics: Episode 181, Boston Massacre
On today's podcast, we examine the Boston Massacre.

60-Second Civics: Episode 180, Writs of Assistance
Today we discuss the Writs of Assistance.

60-Second Civics: Episode 179, Colonists organize resistance
On today's episode, we discuss British efforts to assert authority over the colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 178, No taxation without representation
Today we discuss colonial resistance to taxation without representation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 177, Colonial resistance grows
On today's episode, we discuss colonial resistance to British control.

60-Second Civics: Episode 176, Seeds of revolution
Today we discuss how Britain tried to increase its control of the colonies between 1763 and 1776.

60-Second Civics: Episode 174, Introduction to the Declaration of Independence discussion
Over the next weeks, we will describe the circumstances that produced the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 173, Colonial legislatures versus Parliament
Today we discuss differences between colonial American legislatures and the British Parliament.

60-Second Civics: Episode 172, Property requirement for voting
On today's podcast, we discuss the property requirement for voting in the American colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 171, Colonial governors and courts
On the podcast today, we discuss the roles of governors and the courts in colonial governments.

60-Second Civics: Episode 170, Colonial legislatures
Today we discuss colonial legislatures.

60-Second Civics: Episode 169, Representative government in the colonies
On today's episode, we discuss representative government and voting in the American colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 168, Fundamental rights and the rule of law
Today we we explore fundamental rights and the rule of law as aspects of colonial constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 167, Colonial constitutions
On today's podcast, we discuss the basic principles common to all colonial constitutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 166, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Today we discuss the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

60-Second Civics: Episode 165, Structure of colonial governments
On today's podcast, we discuss the structure of colonial governments.

60-Second Civics: Episode 164, Slavery in the colonies
Today we discuss slavery in the American colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 163, Native Americans in colonial America
On today's episode, we discuss the rights of Native Americans in the colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 162, Indentured servants in colonial America
Today we discuss indentured servants in the colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 161, Rights denied in colonial America
Today we begin our discussion of the people who did not enjoy the rights expressed in colonial documents

60-Second Civics: Episode 160, Rights denied in colonial America
Today we begin our discussion of the people who did not enjoy the rights expressed in colonial documents

60-Second Civics: Episode 159, Rights in colonial Pennsylvania
On today's episode, we discuss guarantees of basic rights in Pennsylvania

60-Second Civics: Episode 158, Massachusetts Body of Liberties, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of the Massachusetts Body of Liberties.

60-Second Civics: Episode 157, Massachusetts Body of Liberties, Part 1
Today we discuss the Massachusetts Body of Liberties.

60-Second Civics: Episode 156, Colonial charters
Today we examine colonial charters.

60-Second Civics: Episode 155, Successful colonial Americans
In today's episode, we discuss some examples of successful colonial Americans.

60-Second Civics: Episode 154, Class in the colonies
On today's podcast, we discuss how the English class system was weakened in the colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 153, English practices in America
Today we discuss we discuss how some English practices that protected the landed aristocracy in Great Britain did not survive in the colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 152, Colonial prosperity
On today's episode, we discuss how some colonial Americans achieved prosperity in the New World.

60-Second Civics: Episode 151, Mayflower Compact, Part 2
Today we present the excerpted text of the Mayflower Compact.

60-Second Civics: Episode 150, Mayflower Compact, Part 1
Today we discuss the Mayflower Compact.

60-Second Civics: Episode 149, Early American settlement
In today's episode, we discuss the situation in America in the early 1600s.

60-Second Civics: Episode 148, American colonies
On the podcast today, we begin our discussion of how basic ideas of constitutional government were developed and used in the American colonies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 147, English Bill of Rights, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of the English Bill of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 146, English Bill of Rights, Part 1
In today's episode, we discuss the English Bill of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 144, Writ of habeas corpus
On today's podcast, we discuss the writ of habeas corpus in Britain.

60-Second Civics: Episode 143, English Civil War
Today we discuss the events that led to the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679.

60-Second Civics: Episode 142, Petition of Right, Part 3
On today's episode, we discuss the characteristics of the Petition of Right of 1628.

60-Second Civics: Episode 141, Petition of Right, Part 2
Today we discuss the events that led to the Petition of Right of 1628.

60-Second Civics: Episode 140, Petition of Right, Part 1
On the podcast today, we discuss the clash between Parliament and the English monarchy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 139, The British constitution: Foundational documents
Today we identify the three historical documents important in the development of the British constitution and the rights of the British people.

60-Second Civics: Episode 138, The British constitution
On today's episode, we discuss the British constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 137, Magna Carta, Part 7
Today we explore the Magna Carta as a source of constitutional principles.

60-Second Civics: Episode 136, Magna Carta, Part 6
Today we discuss government by agreement or contract as a principle of the Magna Carta.

60-Second Civics: Episode 135, Magna Carta, Part 5
On the podcast today, we discuss basic rights as a principle of the Magna Carta.

60-Second Civics: Episode 134, Magna Carta, Part 4
On today's episode, we discuss how the Magna Carta contained the principle of the supremacy of the law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 133, Magna Carta, Part 3
Today we examine the Magna Carta and the rule of law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 132, Magna Carta, Part 2
We continue our discussion of the Magna Carta on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 131, Magna Carta, Part 1
Today we discuss the events leading up to the signing of the Magna Carta.

60-Second Civics: Episode 130, Rights of Englishmen, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of the rights of Englishmen.

60-Second Civics: Episode 129, Rights of Englishmen, Part 1
On the podcast today, we discuss the rights of Englishmen.

60-Second Civics: Episode 128, Stare decisis, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of stare decisis.

60-Second Civics: Episode 127, Stare decisis, Part 1
Today we explore the development of stare decisis in the English common law system.

60-Second Civics: Episode 126, English common law
On today's episode, we discuss the development of English common law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 125, English Parliament, Part 3
Today we discuss how Parliament proved to be effective for both the English king and his subjects.

60-Second Civics: Episode 124, English Parliament, Part 2
In today's episode, we discuss King Edward the First's Model Parliament.

60-Second Civics: Episode 123, English Parliament, Part 1
In today's podcast, we discuss the origins of the English parliament and royal court.

60-Second Civics: Episode 122, Norman conquest
Today we examine how the Norman conquest changed English government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 121, England after the Romans
Today we discuss the origins of English government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 120, British origins of American constitutionalism
In today's episode, we begin our discussion of the British origins of American constitutionalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 119, The Enlightenment, Part 4
In today's podcast, we examine James Madison's idea of the "new science of politics."

60-Second Civics: Episode 118, The Enlightenment, Part 3
Today we continue our discussion of the Enlightenment.

60-Second Civics: Episode 117, The Enlightenment, Part 2
On the podcast today, we continue our discussion of the Enlightenment and discuss philosopher Francis Bacon.

60-Second Civics: Episode 116, The Enlightenment, Part 1
In today's episode, we begin our discussion of the Enlightenment.

60-Second Civics: Episode 115, Rise of capitalism, Part 3
Today we examine two influences on capitalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 114, Rise of capitalism, Part 2
Today we learn about how capitalism empowered a new class of citizens.

60-Second Civics: Episode 113, Rise of capitalism, Part 1
On the podcast today, we learn about the rise of capitalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 112, Rise of the nation-state, Part 2
Today we discuss nation-states and ideas about government and rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 111, Rise of the nation-state, Part 1
In today's episode, we discuss the rise of the nation-state.

60-Second Civics: Episode 110, The Reformation, Part 5
Today we discuss the origin of American Puritans.

60-Second Civics: Episode 109, The Reformation, Part 4
In today's episode, we learn about how the Reformation contributed to the development of modern individualism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 108, The Reformation, Part 3
Today we look at how the invention of the printing press aided the Reformation and encouraged freedom of conscience.

60-Second Civics: Episode 107, The Reformation, Part 2
Today we examine the roots of the Protestant Reformation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 106, The Reformation, Part 1
Today we begin our examination of the Protestant Reformation and its contribution to ideas about rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 105, The Rennaisance, Part 2
On the podcast today, we continue our discussion of the Renaissance and its contributions to ideas about rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 104, The Rennaisance, Part 1
Today we begin our discussion of the Renaissance and how it contributed to ideas about rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 103, Medieval and classical republican similarities
In today's podcast, we explore the similarities between medieval and classical republican ideas about society and government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 102, Feudalism, Part 3
Today we examine the final two of four essential ideas of feudalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 101, Feudalism, Part 2
Today we discuss the first two of four essential ideas of feudalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 100, Feudalism, Part 1
Today we examine feudalism in medieval society.

60-Second Civics: Episode 99, The Church in the Middle Ages
On today's podcast: how the Church came to be a powerful force in Europe during the Middle Ages.

Showing 4825 - 5025 of 5123 results


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