60-Second Civics

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60-Second Civics: Episode 1327, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 7: Principles in the Magna Carta
Today we learn about three principles of the Magna Carta.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1326, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 6: Rule of law
Despite the fact that the Magna Carta represented only the elites, some very important principles of American constitutionalism were represented in this key British document.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1325, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 5: Protecting the nobility
The Magna Carta protected the feudal system and the rights of the nobility. Nevertheless, it was an important first step in the protection of the English rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1324, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 4: The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was the first important document to describe the rights of Englishmen.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1323, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 3: A bloody struggle
After centuries of bloody struggle, key documents were agreed to that limited the power of the British monarch.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1322, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 2: The British constitution
Today we learn about the British constitution and the historical events that shaped English history and government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1321, What the Founders learned about rights from British history, Part 1: Introduction
Today we learn about the rights of Englishmen and common law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1320, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 10: The land of opportunity
Why was America known as the land of opportunity for many emigrants to the American colonies? We find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1319, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 9: Government as the servant of the people
The idea that government is the servant, not the master of the people, came from natural rights philosophy and found its way into the Declaration of Independence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1318, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 8: The Mayflower Compact
The Pilgrims created a social contract called the Mayflower Compact in 1620. Hobbes and Locke would have approved.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1317, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 7: Social contract
On today's podcast, we learn about the social contract, a concept important for American democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1316, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 6: Consent of the governed
What is the concept of the "consent of the governed"? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1315, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 5: The state of nature
A state of nature might sound free, but its actually far from it.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1314, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 4: Life, liberty, and property
Natural rights philosophers argued that all people are born with unalienable natural rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1313, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 3: Natural rights philosophy explained
Natural rights emphasized individual rights and freedoms, whereas classical republicans emphasized the individual's responsibility to promote the common welfare.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1312, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 2: Natural rights philosophy
Natural rights philosophy offered a drastic alternative to the feudal system.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1311, Natural rights and the Founders, Part 1: Major changes in Europe
With today's episode, we explore how changes in European society gave rise to the primacy of the individual.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1310, Rights throughout history, Part 16: The Reformation and the Puritans in America
The Puritans emphasized community, but when they began to prosper, they grew more self-interested.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1309, Rights throughout history, Part 15: The printing press
The Bible was one of the most frequently printed books, and with the Reformation, Christians were encouraged to read it themselves in their own language.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1308, Rights throughout history, Part 14: The Reformation
What was the Protestant Reformation? What changes did it bring to Europe? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1307, Rights throughout history, Part 13: Capitalism
Capitalism gained prominence during the Renaissance and gave people more control over their lives.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1306, Rights throughout history, Part 12: The Rennaisance
Today we learn about the Rennaisance in Western Europe and how it affected people's ideas about rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1305, Rights throughout history, Part 11: The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta changed the power arrangement in England and contained basic ideas important to American constitutional government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1304, Rights throughout history, Part 9: Feudal classes
Do you know the three classes of English society during the middle ages? Learn them on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1303, Rights throughout history, Part 9: Feudal classes
Did individuals have rights during the Middle Ages? Not exactly.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1302, Rights throughout history, Part 8: Feudalism
Feudalism greatly influenced the Founders. Today we begin our discussion of the feudal period.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1301, Rights throughout history, Part 7: Small, uniform communities
Classical republicans believed republican government can work only in small, uniform communities.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1300, Rights throughout history, Part 6: Moral education
Moral education was of vital importance to classical republicans. Learn what this meant on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1299, Rights throughout history, Part 5: Individual rights in classical republics
Classical republics, for all their emphasis on civic virtue, did not view individual rights as we do today.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1298, Rights throughout history, Part 4: Civic virtue in classical republics
Today we discuss the concept of civic virtue in classical republics.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1297, Rights throughout history, Part 3: Classical republicanism and America
Today we learn how classical republican ideas influenced American thought.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1296, Rights throughout history, Part 2: Introduction to classical republicanism.
The Founders were heavily influenced by the Roman Republic and particularly by the idea of the common welfare.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1295, Rights throughout history, Part 1: Individual rights and the rights of groups
Individual rights dates back only to the sixteenth century. Before then, only groups were considered to have rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1294, The history of rights, Part 9: The First Amendment and the right to know
The public has a right to know how the government is doing its job, but even that right has limits.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1293, The history of rights, Part 8: The right to know
The American people have the right to know what their government is up to.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1292, The history of rights, Part 7: Government is the servant of the people
Under the Constitution, government is the servant, not the master, of the people

60-Second Civics: Episode 1291, The history of rights, Part 6: Seditious libel
Amusing oneself at the expense of the president had a heavy price in post-Revolutionary America.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1290, The history of rights, Part 6: Seditious libel
Before the American Revolution, the British government used seditious libel laws to control the press.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1289, The history of rights, Part 5: "Thank God there are no free schools nor printing presses"
The English governor of Virginia: "Thank God there are no free schools nor printing presses, and I hope we shall not have them these hundred years."

60-Second Civics: Episode 1288, The history of rights, Part 4: Prior restraint
What is prior restraint? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1287, The history of rights, Part 3: Control of the press
Throughout history, government has sought control over the press. Find out why on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1286, The history of rights, Part 2: Limitations on rights
Even speech can be reasonably limited in a democracy. We give some examples on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1285, The history of rights, Part 1: When should rights be limited?
Should your rights ever be limited? Explore the issue on today's 60-Second Civics.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1284, Legal protections of your rights, Part 11: How can I participate in civic life?
How can Americans participate in civic life? Learn the answer to this question on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1283, Legal protections of your rights, Part 10: Civic participation
Do Americans take their rights more seriously than their responsibilities? We discuss the issue on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1282, Legal protections of your rights, Part 9: Protection against tyranny
James Madison thought that in a democracy, the greatest threat came from those in the majority who sought to oppress minorities.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1281, Legal protections of your rights, Part 8: Limiting government
The Founders thought that although government is necessary, it is the greatest threat to individual rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1280, Legal protections of your rights, Part 7: Are laws enough to protect rights?
Are laws enough to protect rights?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1279, Legal protections of your rights, Part 6: Congress and civil rights
What has Congress done to secure civil rights for Americans? A lot, actually.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1278, Legal protections of your rights, Part 5: Civil and criminal law
Today we learn about civil and criminal law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1277, Legal protections of your rights, Part 4: State bills of rights
What can you do if a state of local government violates your rights? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1276, Legal protections of your rights, Part 3: What the government must and must not do
The Bill of Rights contains both prohibitions against government actions and positive mandates.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1275, Legal protections of your rights, Part 2: How your rights are protected
In the United States, there are various ways that the rights of individuals are protected.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1274, Legal protections of your rights, Part 1: How your rights are protected
How are your rights protected? The Constitution and Bill of Rights are just the start.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1273, Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 2: The Bill of Rights protects basic rights
The Bill of Rights lists rights government is prohibited from violating, but this didn't always apply equally to everyone.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1272, Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 1: What is the Bill of Rights?
Today 60-Second Civics launches a new series on the Bill of Rights in honor of Bill of Rights Day, December 15.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1271, The elements of democracy, Part 126: Markets, property, and political freedom
Market economies and private property are necessary for political freedom, but they aren't all that is required for democracy

60-Second Civics: Episode 1270, The elements of democracy, Part 125: Private property and political freedom
Private property is necessary for true political freedom. Find out why on today's 60-Second Civics.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1269, The elements of democracy, Part 124: Decentralization of economic power helps preserve liberty
Today we examine how the decentralization of economic power helps to preserve liberty.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1268, The elements of democracy, Part 123: Markets and democracy
On today's podcast, we learn how market economies disperse power among many different people.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1267, The elements of democracy, Part 122: Economic and political freedom
Today we discuss why economic freedom is required for political freedom.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1266, The elements of democracy, Part 121: Authoritarianism and the control of civil society
Authoritarian regimes often try to control civil society. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1265, The elements of democracy, Part 120: Markets and democracy
Markets offer benefits for democracies, but they are also no stranger to controversy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1264, The elements of democracy, Part 119: Civil society organizations benefit individuals
Civil society organizations benefit individuals and can help develop a stronger democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1263, The elements of democracy, Part 118: Civil society organizations benefit the people
Today on the podcast we learn how civil society organizations benefit their members and the people they serve.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1262, The elements of democracy, Part 117: Benefits of civil society
How can control of economic resources limit the power of government? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1261, The elements of democracy, Part 116: Introduction to civil society
Today we introduce the concept of "civil society."

60-Second Civics: Episode 1260, The elements of democracy, Part 115: Thriving democracies, conclusion
Today we discuss social trust and cooperative social action.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1259, The elements of democracy, Part 115: More features of thriving democracies
In order for a democracy to thrive, citizens must participate, show moderation, toleration, and civility. And that's not all.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1258, The elements of democracy, Part 114: Features of thriving democracies
What do thriving democracies have in common? Find out on today's 60-Second Civics.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1257, The elements of democracy, Part 113: Alexis de Tocqueville and civil society
Alexis de Tocqueville noticed something very unusual about Americans. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1256, The elements of democracy, Part 112: The American Founders and political culture
What did America's Founders think about the concept of civic virtue? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1255, The elements of democracy, Part 111: Ancient Rome and political culture
From the Roman Repubic emerged the idea that people ought to be concerned with the public good rather than pursuing their own personal pleasures.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1254, The elements of democracy, Part 110: Aristotle and political culture
On today's podcast, we learn about Aristotle's important contribution to the modern conception of democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1253, The elements of democracy, Part 109: Plato and political culture
Today we learn what Plato thought about democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1252, The elements of democracy, Part 108: Democracy and political culture
On today's episode, we define political culture and civic culture.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1251, The elements of democracy, Part 107: Religious law and international law
On today's podcast, we explore two types of law that extend beyond national borders.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1250, The elements of democracy, Part 105: Common law and administrative law
Today we learn the definitions of common law and administrative law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1249, The elements of democracy, Part 104: Forms of law
Today on the podcast we discuss judicial review and statute law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1248, The elements of democracy, Part 103: Law can change society
Law can be used to change society. Find out how on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1247, The elements of democracy, Part 102: The functions of law in a democracy
Law has many functions in society. Learn what they are on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1246, The elements of democracy, Part 101: Rules in legal systems
Today on the podcast we talk about laws that identify valid rules, change rules, and interpret rules.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1245, The elements of democracy, Part 100: Rules governing conduct
On today's podcast, we discuss various types of laws, including laws that are rules governing conduct.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1244, The elements of democracy, Part 99: Freedom under law
All democracies today are representative, but they often contain elements of direct democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1243, The elements of democracy, Part 98: The basis of law
From where does law derive its authority? We learn the answer on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1242, The elements of democracy, Part 97: The rule of law as essential to a free society
There are benefits to living under the effective rule of law, but governments can still legitimately restrict individuals in a variety of ways.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1241, The elements of democracy, Part 96: Juries, the press, and public trials
Juries are vital to democracy. Learn why on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1240, The elements of democracy, Part 95: Judicial independence
Courts must be free from political manipulation and control in order that laws be applied equally to everyone.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1239, The elements of democracy, Part 94: Rule of law vs. rule of laws
The rule of law means more than the use of laws for governing.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1238, The elements of democracy, Part 93: The law applies to everyone
The law applies to everyone: this is the essence of the concept of the "rule of law."

60-Second Civics: Episode 1237, The elements of democracy, Part 92: Introduction to the rule of law
Today we resume our series on the basic elements of democracy with a look at the rule of law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1236, Elections and voting, Part 13: What happens in an Electoral College tie?
What happens if there is a tie vote in the Electoral College? We'll find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1235, Elections and voting, Part 12: How the Electoral College works
It takes 270 electoral votes to win a presidential election outright. Learn more on today's Election Day podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1234, Elections and voting, Part 11: The Electoral College
Does the popular vote determine who wins the presidency? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1233, Elections and voting, Part 10: Electing a president
In 1787, only two states supported direct election of the president. Learn why on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1232, Elections and voting, Part 9: The birth of the Electoral College
Today we learn about the birth of the Electoral College.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1231, Elections and voting, Part 8: Increasing voter turnout
Today we look at how the United States can increase voter turnout.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1230, Elections and voting, Part 7: Elections in the United States
Americans have the authority and the responsibility to choose their elected leaders.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1229, Elections and voting, Part 6: Every vote counts
Government is not the possession of the ruling party: it belongs to the people.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1228, Elections and voting, Part 5: Fair, honest, and private voting
On today's podcast, we learn what makes an election fair and honest.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1227, Elections and voting, Part 4: Regular and frequent elections
Why do we have elections in the first place? Learn all about it on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1226, Elections and voting, Part 3: Fair elections
What is a fair election? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1225, Elections and voting, Part 2: Free elections
To qualify as being democratic, elections must meet certain requirements.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1224, Elections and voting, Part 1: Introduction
Why are elections important to democracy? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1223, The elements of democracy, Part 91: Democracy versus constitutionalism
Democracy means governance in accordance with the will of the people, but constitutionalism limits the power of the government. Is this a contradiction?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1222, The elements of democracy, Part 90: Dividing power
Powers are normally divided in democratic systems, but different countries handle this in different ways.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1221, The elements of democracy, Part 89: Separation of powers
How do you prevent government from abusing its power? Learn the answer on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1220, The elements of democracy, Part 88: Judicial review
What is judicial review? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1219, The elements of democracy, Part 87: How constitutionalism works
How does constitutionalism work? We'll find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1218, The elements of democracy, Part 86: Features of constitutionalism
Today we learn some of the key features of constitutionalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1217, The elements of democracy, Part 85: Constitutionalism
Government must have sufficient powers, but not so much that it abuses its power.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1216, The elements of democracy, Part 84: Written and unwritten constitutions
Not all countries have written constitutions. Find out more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1215, The elements of democracy, Part 83: Constitutional government isn't necessarily democratic government
Legitimate government can come only from the consent of the governed, not from a dictatorship of a majority.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1214, The elements of democracy, Part 82: Constitutions as higher laws.
A constitution is a higher law that can be changed by the sovereign people.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1213, The elements of democracy, Part 81: Introduction to constitutionalism
To suceed, governments have to be adequately empowered, but they should not have too much power. Find out how this is done on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1212, The elements of democracy, Part 80: Constitutions
Privacy in the modern era is constantly under threat. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1211, The elements of democracy, Part 79: Modern challenges to privacy
Privacy in the modern era is constantly under threat. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1210, The elements of democracy, Part 78: Privacy in totalitarian societies
On today's podcast, we learn how totalitarian societies attempt to control the people by stripping them of their privacy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1209, The elements of democracy, Part 77: Limits to privacy
Governments do sometimes intrude on individual privacy, but are such actions constitutional in the United States?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1208, The elements of democracy, Part 76: The costs and benefits of privacy
Privacy is a good thing for democracy, but too much privacy is not so good.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1207, The elements of democracy, Part 75: Privacy and democracy
For choice to be free, it must be made without unwarranted pressure or threats.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1206, The elements of democracy, Part 74: Privacy as essential to liberty
Privacy is an essential element of liberty.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1205, The elements of democracy, Part 73: Privacy in modern democracies
Privacy in modern democracies is a complex idea, but it is fundamental to human liberty.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1204, The elements of democracy, Part 72: The right to privacy
On today's episode, we continue our examination of the right to privacy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1203, The elements of democracy, Part 71: Liberal ideas spread to America
On today's podcast, we examine the ideas that inspired the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1202, The elements of democracy, Part 70: The rise of liberalism in Europe
Today we discuss the rise of classical liberalism in Europe.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1201, The elements of democracy, Part 69: Liberalism
What is classical liberalism? Here's a hint: It isn't about donkeys and elephants.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1200, The elements of democracy, Part 68: Civil society
What is civil society? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1199, The elements of democracy, Part 67: Active participation in democracy.
Yes, you too can participate in democracy. Find out how on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1198, The elements of democracy, Part 66: Direct democracy
Learn what the difference is between an initiative an a referendum on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1197, The elements of democracy, Part 65:Holding public office
Have you ever thought of running for public office? It's the most direct way to take part in self-governance.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1196, The elements of democracy, Part 64: Election campaigns
Election campaigns are vital to democracy. Find out why on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1195, The elements of democracy, Part 63: Voting
Why is voting important? When citizens vote, they collectively exercise their power as the political sovereign of a democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1194, The elements of democracy, Part 62: Participation and civil society
You not only have the right to be involved in your government, you have the obligation to engage in some form of self-government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1193, The elements of democracy, Part 61: Rule by the people requires participation
Democracy requires moderation, compromise, and personal sacrifice. Sure it's difficult, but the alternative is worse.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1192, The elements of democracy, Part 60: Disengagement is dangerous for democracy
Sure, you're busy. Everybody is. But democracy doesn't just take care of itself.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1191, The elements of democracy, Part 59: Compromise and personal sacrifice
Legislatures cannot function without compromise. And a democracy cannot thrive without personal sacrifices by citizens.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1190, The elements of democracy, Part 58: Tolerance and moderation
Tolerance and moderation are key democratic values. Learn why these values are so important on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1189, The elements of democracy, Part 57: Influencing public policy
Citizens can influence public policy and make their voices heard. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1188, The elements of democracy, Part 56: Setting the public agenda
The public can set the agenda for the political elites. One way to do this is by expressing your opinion in a public setting.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1187, The elements of democracy, Part 55: Participation
Participation of citizens in democracy is the one element that will make democracy work; without adequate participation, democracy will fail.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1186, The elements of democracy, Part 54: The ultimate political authority
Citizens are the ultimate political authority in a democracy. And it's up to them to keep it that way.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1185, The elements of democracy, Part 53: The fundamental responsibilities of citizens
What are the fundamental responsibilities of citizens? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1184, The elements of democracy, Part 52: The fundamental rights of citizens
What are the fundamental rights of citizens? Learn all about it on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1183, The elements of democracy, Part 51: Democratic citizenship
Do rights imply responsibilities? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1182, The elements of democracy, Part 50: The moral obligations of citizens
Citizens have certain moral obligations in a democracy. Learn what these are on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1181, The elements of democracy, Part 49: Maintaining order in a democracy
The absence of intrusive authority is one of the benefits of living in a democracy. But this is only possible with a responsible, law-abiding citizenry.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1180, The elements of democracy, Part 48: Personal responsibility
What one characteristic must citizens of a democracy possess in order for democracy to succeed? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1179, The elements of democracy, Part 47: Dare to know
Learn about the Age of the Enlightenment and the meaning of the Latin phrase "sapere aude" on today's podcast

60-Second Civics: Episode 1178, The elements of democracy, Part 46: From despotism to democracy
The common people were often treated like children by their rulers in ancient times. This began to change in Europe with Martin Luther.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1177, The elements of democracy, Part 45: Values of democratic citizenship
To be successful, democratic citizenship requires commitment to certain values.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1176, The elements of democracy, Part 44: Obligations of democratic citizenship
What are some of the obligations of democratic citizenship? Listen to today's episode to find out.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1175, The elements of democracy, Part 43: Citizens own the government
In a democracy, the citizens own the government. But with this ownership comes some responsibilities.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1174, The elements of democracy, Part 42: Democracies need citizen support
Citizens must understand their roles and act to fulfill them if democracy is to succeed.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1173, The elements of democracy, Part 41: Constitutional monarchy
What is a constitutional monarchy? Do these monarch have any real political power?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1172, The elements of democracy, Part 40: Appropriation of the word "democracy"
Authoritarian regimes love the word "democracy." This doesn't mean they actually are democracies, however.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1171, The elements of democracy, Part 39: Social democracy
Germany and Sweden are both social democracies. Learn what a social democracy is on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1170, The elements of democracy, Part 38: Democratic republic
What is a democratic republic? Is it the same as a democracy? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1169, The elements of democracy, Part 37: Republics
A woman once asked Benjamin Franklin what sort of government we have. He replied, "a republic, madam, if you can keep it."

60-Second Civics: Episode 1168, The elements of democracy, Part 36: Delegates or trustees?
Do you prefer your representatives to do your bidding or to think for themselves? We examine the issue on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1167, The elements of democracy, Part 35: Geographic, functional, and ideological representation
On today's podcast, we discuss geographic, functional, and ideological representation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1166, The elements of democracy, Part 34: Representative democracy
It is impractical for people in modern democracies to vote on every issue that comes under consideration. That's why we have representative assemblies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1165, The elements of democracy, Part 33: The human rights movement
The human rights movement, along with the worldwide movement toward democracy, remains one of the most significant movements of our time.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1164, The elements of democracy, Part 32: Problems with human rights
Human rights is an international movement, but the concept is fraught with problems and controversies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1163, The elements of democracy, Part 31: Personal, political, economic, social, and cutural rights
Human rights have their roots in medieval Europe and are now thought of as those rights that are required for human dignity and welfare.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1162, The elements of democracy, Part 30: Human rights and democracy
Democracy and human rights are intimately connected. Find out how on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1161, The elements of democracy, Part 29: Human rights defined
Human rights are inherent and equal in every person.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1160, The elements of democracy, Part 28: Human rights
What are the origins of our concept of human rights? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1159, The elements of democracy, Part 27: Majority rule and minority rights
The principle of majority rule is important to democracies, but so is the protection of minority rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1158, The elements of democracy, Part 26: Democratic deliberation
Democratic deliberation should seek to promote the common good, not pursue dogma. Learn more on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1157, The elements of democracy, Part 25: Individual rights and the common good
Democracies must weigh very carefully the common good and the basic rights of the individual.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1156, The elements of democracy, Part 24: Different interpretations of the common good
The common good is an ideal of every democracy. But how do people interpret the meaning of the common good?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1155, The elements of democracy, Part 23: The common good
The common good is a goal of every democracy. But where did this idea come from?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1154, The elements of democracy, Part 22: The spirit of equality
Sure, everyone in a democracy is equal before the law; but what about the spirit of equality? Do democratic societies have a different way of thinking about people?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1153, The elements of democracy, Part 21: Equality of opportunity
Equality of opportunity is the topic of today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1152, The elements of democracy, Part 20: Equality
Today we learn about political, legal, and moral equality in a democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1151, The elements of democracy, Part 19: No second-class citizens
The political, legal, and moral equality of every citizen is a fundamental value of democracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1150, The elements of democracy, Part 18: Minority treatment in democracies
Differing minority groups and social fragmentation are just some of the problems faced by democracies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1149, The elements of democracy, Part 17: Out of many, one
Can people of varying ethnic, religious, and national identities ever form one political people? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1148, The elements of democracy, Part 16: Minority consent
No minority group may be forcibly included in the establishment of a new state.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1147, The elements of democracy, Part 15: Who are "the people?"
Democracy means "rule by the people." But who are "the people?"

60-Second Civics: Episode 1146, The elements of democracy, Part 14: Limited powers of democratic governments
It is an abuse of power for a democratic government to claim more powers than the people have delegated it.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1145, The elements of democracy, Part 13: Alienation and consent
The alienation of people from the political process is a big problem for modern democracies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1144, The elements of democracy, Part 12: The people delegate authority
In a democracy, the people delegate authority to their government, but "consent of the governed" is more complicated than it first appears.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1143, The elements of democracy, Part 11: Authority flows from the people
Popular sovereignty means that authority flows from the people to the state, not the other way around.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1142, The elements of democracy, Part 10: Popular sovereignty
What is popular sovereignty? Is government the master of the people, or is it the other way around? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1141, The elements of democracy, Part 9: Fundamental rights
Do you have any fundamental rights--rights that cannot be violated by government? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1140, The elements of democracy, Part 8: The rule of law as an essential element of constitutionalism
The rule of law is a primary element of constitutionalism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1139, The elements of democracy, Part 7: Constitutionalism
Under a constitutional system, no one is above the law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1138, The elements of democracy, Part 6: Elections
What three characteristics must elections in a democracy possess? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1137, The elements of democracy, Part 5: Rule by the people
Learn about popular sovereignty and the consent of the governed on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1136, The elements of democracy, Part 4: Democracy defined
What exactly is democracy? Why do we need it? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1135, The elements of democracy, Part 3: Political authority
What is the relationship between political authority and political power? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1134, The elements of democracy, Part 2: Authority
What is authority? What is the difference between authority and power?

60-Second Civics: Episode 1133, The elements of democracy, Part 1: Politics
Do we really need politics? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1132, The Framers, Part 56: Pierce Butler
Pierce Butler was the son of an Anglo-Irish parliamentarian, but became a firebrand for the American side and a Framer of the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1131, The Framers, Part 55: Charles Pinckney
Charles Pinckney is the cousin of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney; both men signed the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1130, The Framers, Part 54: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney is the cousin of Charles Pinckney; both were Framers of the Constitution from South Carolina.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1129, The Framers, Part 53: John Rutledge
Framer John Rutledge supported the interests of the Southern states at the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1128, The Framers, Part 52: Gouverneur Morris
Gouverneur Morris is known as the "Penman of the Constitution" for having written so much of the document.

60-Second Civics: Episode 1127, The Framers, Part 51: James Wilson
James Wilson was a Framer of the Constitution who both signed the Declaration of Independence and defended the rights of loyalists.

Showing 3820 - 4020 of 5123 results


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