60-Second Civics

Wednesday, July 17
   Daily civics quiz

Which of the Reconstruction Amendments dealt specifically with voting rights?


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About the Podcast: 60-Second Civics is a daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history. The podcast explores themes related to civics and government, the constitutional issues behind the headlines, and the people and ideas that formed our nation’s history and government.

60-Second Civics is produced by the Center for Civic Education. The show's content is primarily derived from the Center’s education for democracy curricula, including We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution, Foundations of Democracy, and Elements of Democracy.

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Get Involved: Join the conversation about each episode on Twitter. Or you can contact the show by emailing Mark Gage. Let me know what you think!

You Can Help: 60-Second Civics is supported by private donations. You can help keep the podcasts coming by donating, buying an ebook, or by writing a nice review in iTunes to help others discover the show. We love our listeners. You are the reason we created the podcast. Thank you for your kind support!

The theme music for 60-Second Civics is provided by Cheryl B. Engelhardt. You can find her online at cbemusic.com. The song featured on the podcast is Cheryl B. Engelhardt's "Complacent," which you purchase on iTunes, along with all of Cheryl's music.

Looking for a particular episode? Search by keyword here:

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60-Second Civics: Episode 468, Introduction to due process
The roots of due process of law

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60-Second Civics: Episode 467, Birth of the civil rights movement
The beginnings of America's civil rights movement

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60-Second Civics: Episode 466, Jim Crow laws
Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 465, The Fifteenth Amendment
Expansion of the right to vote.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 464, The Fourteenth Amendment
Congress, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Fourteenth Amendment.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 463, Black Codes
The South after the Civil War.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 462, Emancipation Proclamation, Part 2
The significance of the Emancipation Proclamation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 461, Emancipation Proclamation, Part 1
Lincoln announces the Emancipation Proclamation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 460, Lincoln suspends habeas corpus.
President Lincoln's assertion of presidential powers included suspension of habeas corpus..

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60-Second Civics: Episode 459, Lincoln asserts presidential power
Today's topic is President Lincoln's assertion of presidential powers during wartime.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 458, Preserving the Union
Our topic is President Lincoln and the preservation of the Union.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 457, Secession, Part 4
Today, we continue our discussion of secession.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 456, Secession, Part 3
Today, we continue our discussion of secession.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 455, Secession, Part 2
Today, we continue to examine secession.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 454, Secession, Part 1
Today, we examine secession.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 453, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Part 2
Today, we continue our discussion of Dred Scott v. Sandford.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 452, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Part 1
Today, we discuss Dred Scott v. Sandford.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 450, Free soil and the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Today, we discuss the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 448, Slavery in new territories
Today, we continue our discussion of slavery in the new territories.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 447, Slavery in new territories
Today, we discuss slavery in the Northwest Territories.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 446, The debate over slavery
Today, we examine the debate over whether the Constitution was a pro-slavery- or anti-slavery document.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 445, The Framers and slavery
Today, we discuss the issue of slavery at the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 444, The Civil War and the Constitution
Today, we begin our discussion of how the Civil War tested and transformed the American political system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 443, Role of political parties, Part 7
Today, we discuss the danger of factions within political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 442, Role of political parties, Part 6
Today, we discuss some of the failure of third parties to gain traction in the American political system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 441, Role of political parties, Part 5
Today, we discuss some of the less favorable aspects of the political party system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 440, Role of political parties, Part 4
Today, we continue our discussion of political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 439, Role of political parties, Part 3
Today, we continue our discussion of political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 438, Role of political parties, Part 2
Today, we continue our discussion of the purposes of political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 437, Role pf political parties, Part 1
Today, we discuss the role of political parties in today's political system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 436, Van Buren's revolutionary idea
Today, we examine Martin Van Buren's revolutionary idea.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 435, Benefits of political parties
Today, we discuss how political parties helped bridge the great physical distances between Americans.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 434, Van Buren on political parties, Part 2
Today, we continue our discussion of Van Buren's view of political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 433, Van Buren on political parties
Today, we discuss Martin Van Buren's views on political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 432, Jefferson on political parties
Today, we discuss Thomas Jefferson's views on political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 431, The Twelfth Amendment
Today, we examine the Twelfth Amendment and the political party system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 430, Revolution of 1800, Part 3
Today, we continue our discussion of the Revolution of 1800.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 426, Alien and Sedition Acts, Part 1
Today, we discuss the Alien and Sedition Acts.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 427, Alien and Sedition Acts, Part 2
Today, we discuss the formation of the first political parties in the United States.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 425, Federalists and Republicans
Today, we discuss the divisive nature of party politics in the early American republic.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 424, The first American political parties
Today, we discuss the formation of the first political parties in the United States.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 423, The Napoleonic Wars and the early republic
Today, we discuss disagreements over foreign policy in the new republic.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 421, Disagreements over the power of the national government
Today, we discuss disagreements over the power of the national government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 420, America's first political parties
In today's podcast, we discuss the ideas and events that led to the development of political parties in the 1790s.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 419, Framers and political parties
In today's podcast, we discuss the attitudes of some Framers to political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 418, Factionalism in the Southern colonies
In today's podcast, we discuss factionalism in the Southern colonies.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 417, Colonial factionalism based on religious prejudice
In today's podcast, we discuss factional politics based on religious prejudices in early American political life.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 416, Factions in colonial America
In today's podcast, we discuss factional politics in early American political life.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 415, Political parties as beneficial
In today's podcast, we discuss arguments in favor of political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 414, Political parties as evils to be eradicated
In today's podcast, we examine Anglo-American political thought about political parties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 413, Judicial review as tradition
In today's podcast, we discuss the origins of judicial review.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 412, Judicial review defined
In today's podcast, we discuss expansion of the Bill of Rights by judicial interpretation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 411, The Bill of Rights is born
In today's podcast, we discuss how the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 410, Madison's proposals
In today's podcast, we discuss James Madison's proposals to amend the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 409, Madison's prefix
In today's podcast, we discuss James Madison's proposal to add a bill of rights to the constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 408, The story of the Bill of Rights: Part 3
In today's podcast, we introduce prominent supporters of a bill of rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 407, The story of the Bill of Rights: Part 2
In today's podcast, we discuss efforts of the states to insert a bill of rights into the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 406, The story of the Bill of Rights: Part 1
In today's podcast, we begin our discussion of the story behind the Bill of Rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 405, The Eighteenth Amendment
In today's podcast, we discuss prohibition in the United States.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 404, The Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth Amendments
In today's podcast, we discuss issues of the presidency that the Framers had not anticipated.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 403, The Twelfth and Twentieth Amendments
Today's podcast addresses matters affecting Congress that the Framers did not anticipate.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 402, The Eleventh and Sixteenth Amendments
Today's topic: constitutional amendments that overturned Supreme Court decisions..

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60-Second Civics: Episode 401, Expanding suffrage
Today, we examine constitutional amendments that expanded suffrage.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 400, The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments
Today, our 400th episode! Learn about the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 399, Amendments: The Bill of Rights
Today, the amendments that became the Bill of Rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 398, Ten thousand proposed amendments
Today, we discuss the number of amendments proposed since 1789.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 397, How to amend the Constitution
Today, we look at the process devised for amending the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 396, Why the Constitution must be amended
Today, we look at the process devised for amending the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 395, The last two states to ratify the Constitution
Today, we look at North Carolina and Rhode Island and their road to ratification.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 394, Compromise and ratification
Today, we look at the ratification compromise forged by the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 393, Ratification: New York and Virginia
In today's episode, two important states refuse to ratify.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 392, Hamilton's opposition to the Bill of Rights: Part 2
In today's podcast, we discuss another of Hamilton's arguments against a Bill of Rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 391, Hamilton's opposition to the Bill of Rights: Part 1
In today's podcast, we discuss Federalist arguments against a Bill of Rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 390, The Constitution protects basic rights
Today, the Federalists argument for representation of differing interests in government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 389, The Constitution: Not too complicated
Today, James Madison's rebuttal to the claim that the Constitution was too complicated to be effective.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 388, The Constitution protects the common good
Today, we discuss the Federalist claims about how the Constitution promotes the goals of republicanism.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 387, The Constitution does not rely on civic virtue
Today, we discuss the Federalist claim that the national government created by the Constitution did not rely on civic virtue.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 386, Federalist mistrust of civic virtue
Today, we continue our discussion of the Federalists and civic virtue.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 385, Federalist arguments about civic virtue
We begin an examination of the Federalists' views on civic virtue.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 384, Federalist 10: Part 4
Today we discuss Madison's views on the benefits of a large, diverse republic.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 383, Federalist 10: Part 3
In today's episode, majority tyranny defined by James Madison.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 382, Federalist 10: Part 2
In today's episode, we discuss Madison's views on the dangers of faction.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 381, Federalist 10: Part 1
In today's episode, we discuss Madison's solution to the problem of a republican government over a large geographic region.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 380, The central problem of republican government
In today's episode, we discuss the Federalist response to Anti-Federalist fears of a large republic.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 379, The Federalist and the "new science of politics"
In today's episode, The Federalist and the "new science of politics." Happy Independence Day!

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60-Second Civics: Episode 378, The Federalists and the ratification debates
Today, three men--Hamilton, Madison, and Jay--publish essays in support of ratification.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 377, The Federalists organize quickly
In today's podcast, the Federalists organize quickly to counter their opponents.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 376, Anti-Federalists and republican principles
In today's podcast, Anti-Federalists wanted to remind the people of the principles of our political system.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 375, More Anti-Federalist objections to the Constitution
Today we learn why the Anti-Federalists were concerned about the broad powers of the government under the proposed Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 374, Anti-Federalist worries about individual freedoms
Today we learn why the Anti-Federalists were concerned about the lack of a bill of rights in the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 373, Anti-Federalists argue for a bill of rights
In our podcast today: Anti-Federalists' concern of a "distant" national government and the need for a bill of rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 372, Anti-Federalists and the Bill of Rights
Today, the delegates' greatest tactical error.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 371, Domination by an elite
In this podcast, further examination of the fears of the Anti-Federalists.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 370, Anti-federalists and checks and balances
In this podcast, further examination of the system of checks and balances.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 369, Anti-federalists and checks and balances
In this podcast, the system of checks and balances.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 368, Anti-Federalist concerns about the national judiciary
In this podcast: Anti-Federalist concerns about the national judiciary.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 367, Anti-Federalist fears about the executive branch
In this podcast: Anti-Federalist concerns about the power of the president.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 366, Anti-Federalist concerns about Congress
In this podcast: specific Anti-Federalist arguments against the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 365, Anti-Federalist fears
In this podcast, Anti-Federalist opinions about the dangers of the government proposed by the new Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 364, Anti-Federalists on civic virtue
A look at the Anti-Federalist beliefs about civic virtue.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 363, Anti-Federalist fears of distant government
On today's podcast, the Anti-Federalists' beliefs about governance over great distances.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 362, Anti-Federalist principles
On today's podcast, key elements of the Anti-Federalists' opposition to the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 361, Ratification and reasoned discourse
Today, we continue our discussion of the ratification debates.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 360, Anti-Federalists
Today, we discuss leading Anti-Federalists.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 359, The Anti-Federalists
Today, we introduce the Anti-Federalists.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 358, Opposition to ratification
Today, we begin our discussion of the debates over the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 357, Ratification and social contract theory
Today, we discuss how the plan to ratify the Constitution was consistent with natural rights philosophy.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 356, Ratification: Approval by the people
Today, we examine James Madison's plan for ratification.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 355, Problems with amending the Articles of Confederation
Today, we discuss problems with amending the Articles of Confederation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 354, Ratification
Today, we begin our examination of the ratification of the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 353, Secession
Today, we discuss the issue of secession.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 352, National versus state power
Today, we discuss conflicts between state and national power.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 351, Representation in the House of Representatives
Today, we look at the Framer's debates over suffrage.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 350, Issues unaddressed by the Constitutional Convention
Today, we look at some issues that were not addressed at the Constitutional Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 349, Issues unaddressed by the Constitutional Convention
Today, we look at some issues that were not addressed at the Constitutional Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 348, Slavery and the Constitution, Part 4
We conclude our discussion of slavery and the constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 347, Slavery and the Constitution, Part 3
We continue our discussion of how slavery affected state and national powers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 346, Slavery and the Constitution, Part 2
We continue our discussion of how slavery affected state and national powers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 345, Slavery and the Constitution, Part 1
We examine how slavery affected state and national powers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 344, Limits on state powers
Today, we examine constitutional limits on the power of state governments.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 343, More protections of political independence
Today, we continue our discussion of the political independence of public officials.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 342, Political independence of public officials
Today, we discuss the political independence of public officials.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 341, Ex post facto laws and bills of attainder
Today, we discuss ex post facto laws and bills of attainder.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 340, Habeas corpus
Today, we discuss habeas corpus and other protections of individual rights.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 339, Limitations on the national government
Today, we examine the limits on the power of the national government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 338, Powers of the national government, Part 2
Today, we continue our discussion of the powers of the national government over the states.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 337, Powers of the national government, Part 1
Today, we discuss powers of the national government over the states.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 336, Concerns about state governments
Today, we discuss concerns about the power of state governments.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 335, National and state powers
Today, we discuss the relationship between national and state powers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 334, Judicial Review
Today, our subject is judicial review.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 333, Impeachment
We discuss Article I of the Constitution: the power to impeach the president and other government officials.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 332, The power to declare and wage war
Today we discuss the shared power to wage and declare war.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 331, Appointments and treaties
Today, a look at the power to make appointments and negotiate treaties.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 330, Checks and balances
Today, the system of separated and shared powers known as "checks and balances."

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60-Second Civics: Episode 329, Shared powers
Our discussion today explores how powers are shared among the branches of government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 328, The federal judiciary
Today, we examine the Framers' decisions about the powers of the Supreme Court.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 327, Origins of the federal judiciary
Today, we examine how the judiciary branch completed the system of separation of powers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 326, Problems with the Electoral College
Today we conclude our discussion of the Electoral College.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 325, Features of the Electoral College, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion on features of the Electoral College.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 324, Features of the Electoral College, Part 1
Today we discuss features of the Electoral College.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 323, Considering presidential selection
Today we discuss the idea of the Electoral College.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 322, Indirect election of the president
Today we discuss delegates' consideration of indirect election of the president.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 321, Arguments for direct election of the president
Today we discuss direct election of the president

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60-Second Civics: Episode 320, Opposition of direct election of the president
In today's podcast: how should the president be selected?

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60-Second Civics: Episode 319, Reelection of the president
Today, we discuss the Framer's decision on whether the president should be eligible for reelection.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 317, Philadelphia Convention: Length of term of the executive
Today, we discuss the president's term of office.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 316, Executive Balance
In today's podcast, we examine the balance sought by Congress between an energetic executive and limited government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 315, Executive Power
Today, we discuss the Framers' deliberations over the power of the executive branch.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 314, Powers of Congress
Today, we examine the two categories of congressional power.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 313, Congress as a deliberative body
How the powers of Congress were organized by the delegates.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 312, Problems with a weak executive
Colonial Americans preferred a weak executive, but at what cost?

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60-Second Civics: Episode 311, The Framers and the balance of power
What were the delegates' thoughts on the balance of power?

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60-Second Civics: Episode 310, Introduction to the three branches of government
We begin study of the three branches of the U.S. government.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 309, Philadelphia Convention, Part 39: New States and Representation
The delegates address the admission of new states.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 308, Philadelphia Convention, Part 38: Balance of Power
The delegates address the representation of new states.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 307, Philadelphia Convention, Part 37: Three-Fifths Compromise
We conclude our examination of the Three-Fifths Compromise.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 306, Philadelphia Convention, Part 36: Three-Fifths Compromise
We examine the Northern position in the debate over proportional representation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 305, Philadelphia Convention, Part 35: Three-Fifths Compromise
We examine the Southern position in the debate over proportional representation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 304, Philadelphia Convention, Part 34: Introduction to the Three-Fifths Compromise
Today, we learn of the debate that led to the Three-Fifths Compromise.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 303, Philadelphia Convention, Part 33: Madison and the Great Compromise
Today, we examine James Madison's opposition to the Great Compromise.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 302, Philadelphia Convention, Part 32: Great Compromise
In this episode, we learn that opposition to the Great Compromise led to a crisis at the Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 301, Philadelphia Convention, Part 31: Great Compromise
Today, we look at the gains and losses on both sides in the Great Compromise.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 300, Philadelphia Convention, Part 30: Great Compromise
Today, we examine the first steps taken toward the Great Compromise at the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 299, Philadelphia Convention, Part 29: New Jersey Plan
Today, we discuss the delegates' plan to save the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 298, Philadelphia Convention, Part 28: New Jersey Plan
On the podcast today, we learn how the rejection of the New Jersey Plan threatened the Constitutional Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 297, Philadelphia Convention, Part 27: New Jersey Plan
On today's podcast, we learn how the New Jersey Plan was meant to reform the Articles of Confederation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 296, Philadelphia Convention, Part 26: New Jersey Plan
Today discuss the powers of Congress under the New Jersey Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 295, Philadelphia Convention, Part 25: New Jersey Plan
Today we begin our discussion of the New Jersey Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 294, Philadelphia Convention, Part 24: Crisis over representation
On today's episode, we explore the crisis over representation at the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 293, Philadelphia Convention, Part 23: Virginia Plan
On the podcast today, we examine the preference of some delegates at the Philadelphia Convention for equal representation of the states.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 292, Philadelphia Convention, Part 22: Virginia Plan
Today we discuss disagreements about representation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 291, Philadelphia Convention, Part 21: Virginia Plan
On today's podcast, we learn about the Virginia Plan's proposal to create a two-house Congress.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 290, Philadelphia Convention, Part 20: Virginia Plan
Today we discuss the powers of Congress under the Virginia Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 289, Philadelphia Convention, Part 19: Virginia Plan
Today on the podcast we examine the national legislature under the Virgina Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 288, Philadelphia Convention, Part 18: Virginia Plan
On today's episode: The Virginia Plan and federalism.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 287, Philadelphia Convention, Part 17: Virginia Plan
On today's podcast, we learn about the strength of the national government under the Virginia Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 286, Philadelphia Convention, Part 16: Madison and the Virginia Plan
Today we are introduced to James Madison's proposal for government: the Virginia Plan.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 285, Philadelphia Convention, Part 15: Committees
On today's episode, we explain the four key committees of the Constitutional Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 284, Philadelphia Convention, Part 14: Secrecy
Today we learn why the Framers wanted to keep the proceedings of the Philadelphia Convention secret.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 283, Philadelphia Convention, Part 13: Civil discourse
On today's episode, we explain the importance of civil discourse during the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 282, Philadelphia Convention, Part 12: Rules of debate, continued
Today we discuss four key rules of the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 281, Philadelphia Convention, Part 11: Rules of debate
On the podcast today, we discuss three of the rules adopted for the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 280, Philadelphia Convention, Part 10: Rhode Island
Today we learn why Rhode Island refused to send delegates to the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 279, Philadelphia Convention, Part 9: Missing Founders
On today's episode, we learn about some of the important Founders who did not attend the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 278, Philadelphia Convention, Part 8: Morris, Randolph, Sherman
Today we discuss Gouverneur Morris, Edmund Randolph, and Roger Sherman and their roles at the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 277, Philadelphia Convention, Part 7: Franklin, Hamilton, and Wilson
On today's episode, we discuss Benjamin Franklin's, Alexander Hamilton's, and James Wilson's participation in the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 276, Philadelphia Convention, Part 6: James Madison's role
On the podcast today, we examine James Madison's role in the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 275, Philadelphia Convention, Part 5: George Washington's role
Today on the podcast: George Washington and the Constitutional Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 274, Philadelphia Convention, Part 4: Max Farrand on the Framers
On today's episode, we discuss Max Farrand's statement about the Framers.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 273, Philadelphia Convention, Part 3: Demographics of the Framers
Today we continue our discussion of the Framers of the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 272, Philadelphia Convention, Part 2: The Framers
Today we discuss the Framers of the Constitution.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 271, Philadelphia Convention, Part 1: Overview
On today's episode, we begin our discussion of the Philadelphia Convention.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 270, Shays' Rebellion, Part 3
Today we conclude our discussion of Shays' Rebellion.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 269, Shays' Rebellion, Part 2
Today we continue our discussion of Shays' Rebellion.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 268, Shays' Rebellion, Part 1
On today's episode, we learn about Shays' Rebellion.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 267, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 3
On the podcast today, we learn about the failure of the Annapolis convention and calls for a new convention to amend the Articles of Confederation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 266, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 2
On today's podcast, we discuss demands for a constitutional convention caused by the weakness of the Articles of Confederation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 265, Attempts to reform the Articles of Confederation, Part 1
Today we discuss attempts to solve the problems of the Articles of Confederation.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 264, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 4
On today's 60-Second Civics: majority tyranny in post-Revolutionary America.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 263, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 3
On the podcast today: localists versus cosmopolitans in post-Revolutionary America.

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60-Second Civics: Episode 262, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Part 2
Today we examine how the national government was unable to protect loyalists from the states.


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