60-Second Civics

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60-Second Civics: Episode 4783, The Virginia Declaration of Rights: Rights, Part 3
Virginia was the first state to include a bill of rights in its constitution. Learn more about the significance of this document for present rights in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4782, Why Have a Bill of Rights?: Rights, Part 2
The English Bill of Rights of 1689 was passed by Parliament, which means that Parliament can change it at any time. The American Bill of Rights, in contrast, is part of the U.S. Constitution, which is much more difficult to change, as are states' bills of rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4781, The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights: Rights, Part 1
The struggle between the rights of the people and the power of government to deny those rights is one of the great themes of human history. This episode of 60-Second Civics explores two documents that limited the power of government in English history: the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. These documents significantly influenced American conceptions of the limitations on the power of government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4780, The Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments: Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 5
These final pieces of the Bill of Rights deal with crime, punishment, and states rights. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4779, The Sixth and Seventh Amendments: Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 4
Your right to an attorney, a fair trial, and more in these two amendments.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4778, The Fourth and Fifth Amendments: Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 3
These Constitutional Amendments help protect the rights of those convicted of a crime

60-Second Civics: Episode 4777, The First Three Amendments: Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 2
These three Constitutional amendments protect some of our most fundamental rights as citizens.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4776, What is the Bill of Rights? Introduction to the Bill of Rights, Part 1
Today, December 15th, is Bill of Rights day! In recognition of this day, we start a new series exploring the first ten amendments of the Constitution and what they mean. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4775, Compromise on a Bill of Rights: Concerns for the Constitution, Part 8
The Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed over whether a bill of rights is needed for the Constitution and debated the idea heavily. Learn more about what they considered in creating the Bill of Rights in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4774, Would the National Government Have Too Much Power? Concerns for the Constitution, Part 7
During the debates over ratification of the Constitution, Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed over whether the national government would have too much power. Listen to learn more about these debates in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4773, Would the Constitution Maintain Republican Government? Concerns for the Constitution, Part 6
One area of contention between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists was over the question of whether the Constitution would maintain republican government. Learn more about what they debated over in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4772, Three Basic Disagreements over Ratification: Concerns over the Constitution, Part 5
Both the Federalists and Anti-Federalists made many arguments for and against the Constitution.  However, the most intense arguments were about three basic issues. Listen to learn about these issues!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4771, Meet the Anti-Federalists: Concerns for the Constitution, Part 4
Meet the Anti-Federalists: The people who opposed ratifying the Constitution. Anti-Federalist leaders included George Mason, Edmund Randolph, and Elbridge Gerry. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4770, Meet the Federalists: Concerns for the Constitution, Part 3
Meet the Federalists: The people who supported ratifying the Constitution. Learn more about their positions and decisions regarding the Constitution in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4769, Ratifying the Constitution: Concerns for the Constitution, Part 2
James Madison developed a plan to have the Constitution approved by voters at special conventions to be held in each state. Madison thought that the Constitution would be rejected if Congress or the state legislatures were asked to ratify it. Learn more about ratification in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4768, James Madison's Plan for Ratification: Concerns for the Constitution, Part 1
James Madison was afraid that the Constitution would be rejected if either the Congress or the state legislatures were asked to ratify it. To avoid rejection, Madison developed a plan. Listen to learn more about this plan!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4767, Issues Facing Native American Communities Today: Native American Heritage Month, Part 15
In the final episode of our Native American Heritage Month Series, Terry Mason Moore, enrolled member of the Osage tribe, discusses current and future issues facing Native American communities and all Americans today. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4766, Tribal Sovereignty & Native American Citizenship: Native American Heritage Month, Part 14
Native Americans are citizens of three governments: Their tribe, their state, and the United States. Learn more about the history and dynamics of Native American citizenship from the Center for Civic Education’s board member, Terry Mason Moore.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4765, How Native American Cultures Enrich the United States: Native American Heritage Month, Part 13
According to Terry Mason Moore, enrolled member of the Osage Nation, Native cultures are vibrant and living cultures with a long history of interaction and engagement with the non-native people of the United States. Learn more about how these cultures enrich all peoples in our nation!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4764, Being an Enrolled Member of the Osage Nation: Native American Heritage Month, Part 12
In this episode, Terry Mason Moore discusses her life growing up as an enrolled member of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. Listen to learn more about her family, experiences, and culture have shaped her life!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4763, What is Native American Heritage Month? Native American Heritage Month, Part 11
In continuing our Native American Heritage Month series, we are joined by a very special guest, Terry Mason Moore, an enrolled member of the Osage Nation, an attorney, and a member of the Center of Civic Education Board of Directors. In this episode, she discusses what National Native American Heritage Month entails and its importance.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4762, Native American Activism: Native American Heritage Month, Part 10
In 1968 several hundred members of Native American tribes met to discuss issues affecting their communities. The American Indian Movement, or AIM, emerged out of this meeting, which has set the stage for more modern activism among Native Americans today. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4761, Tribal Recognition: Native American Heritage Month, Part 9
Several hundred Native American tribes in the United States are currently seeking official tribal recognition from the federal government, a process that often takes decades to complete. Federal recognition is important for tribes because it formally establishes a government-to-government relationship. Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4760, Vacillating Policy Toward Native American Tribes: Native American Heritage Month, Part 8
The national government policy vacillated between respecting the sovereignty of Native American tribes and seeking to dismantle tribal governments and to integrate their members into the United States. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4759, Removing Obstacles to Native American Voting: Native American Heritage Month, Part 7
The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 extended the right to vote to all Native Americans, but many encountered obstacles to voting, serving on juries, and giving testimony in courts. Learn more about how these obstacles were removed in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4758, Indian Citizenship Act of 1924: Native American Heritage Month, Part 6
While Native Americans were original not granted citizenship in the U.S., the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 extended the right to vote to all Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States. Learn more about how this change came about in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4757, Denial of Native American Citizenship and Voting Rights: Native American Heritage Month, Part 5
The Framers of the Constitution considered Native Americans to be members of their tribes, which they considered foreign nations. Thus, they denied them citizenship and the right to vote. Learn more about how this set a foundation for future relations in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4756, Native American Activist Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin: Native American Heritage Month, Part 4
Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin was a Native American activist, attorney, and advocate of women's right to vote. Learn more about her life and work in our latest Native American Heritage Month episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4755, The Power of Native American Women in the Colonial Era: Native American Heritage Month, Part 3
Europeans were surprised that Native American women had so much power and influence, particularly within the Haudenosaunee nations. In those nations, women held political power within the tribes, appointing and removing chiefs at their discretion.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4754, Native Americans During the Colonial Era: Native American Heritage Month, Part 2
While Native Americans had lived on the North American continent for at least 24,000 years, the arrival of colonists brought great conflict and change. Learn more about Native Americans in the colonial era in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4753, Native American Tribes in Early America: Native American Heritage Month, Part 1
In honor of Native American Heritage Month, we are rebroadcasting some 60-Second Civics episodes highlighting Native American history, culture, and experience, starting with Native American tribes in the early U.S. Hundreds of different groups of Native Americans had inhabited the continent for thousands of years, including the Eastern Woodland tribes. Learn more about the some of these tribes in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4752, Equality and the American Mind: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 20
Where did the idea of universal human equality, a common American idea, come from? Religious movements in colonial America helped spread the idea of universal moral human equality, including equality among social classes. Listen to today's podcast for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4751, Stoicism, Christianity, and Moral Equality: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 19
Yesterday, we discussed the origins of American political equality, but our founders also possessed a strong sense of moral equality. Indeed, the idea of the moral equality of human beings has ancient origins. Listen to this episode for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4750, Americans' Sense of Political Equality: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 18
The Declaration of Independence states that all men, meaning all people, are created equal. But where did this idea come from? Ideas of natural political equality were developed in seventeenth-century England and exported to its colonies across the North Atlantic. Learn more in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4749, All Men Are Created Equal: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 17
The Declaration of Independence states that among the truths that Americans hold to be self-evident is that all Men are created equal. But what did Thomas Jefferson mean by this statement?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4748, The American Creed: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 16
Thomas Jefferson said that his purpose in writing the Declaration of Independence was to express a shared understanding of the American mind. Over the course of a few days in June 1776, Jefferson laid out the most fundamental principles and central political beliefs of the American Revolution and of the people the Revolution created.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4747, Why Americans Held These Truths to Be Self-evident: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Govt. in the Colonies, Part 15
Why did the writers of the Declaration of Independence hold these Truths to be self-evident? Among other things, these Americans were deeply influenced by the teachings of Christianity and English republicanism.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4746, The Meaning of Self-Evident Truths: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Govt. in the Colonies, Part 14
The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence begins like this: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. But what does we hold these truths to be self-evident mean? We explain more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4745, American Fundamentals: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 13
Americans share certain fundamental ideals, values, and principles. Today we examine these foundational beliefs for constitutional government in colonial America.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4744, Elections in Colonial America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 12
Elections in the colonial era and in the early American republic were rather uncivilized compared to today's standards. Explore the differences between then and now in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4743, Qualifying to Vote in Early America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 11
In the American colonies, the right to vote followed the British model: only free adult males who owned a certain amount of property could vote, though there were limited exceptions to this rule. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4742, Voting Rights in Colonial America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 10
Voting rights in colonial America depended on the ownership of property. In other words, a person had to own a certain amount of land, livestock, or other property in order to qualify to vote. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4741, Representative Democracy in Colonial America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 9
Each of the thirteen American colonies had some features of representative democracy that we still see today. For example, each of the colonies had a legislative, executive, and judicial branch. Learn more with this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4740, The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 8
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut is an important American founding document. The Connecticut Colony has its origins in 1636, when Thomas Hooker led a group of dissenting Puritans from Massachusetts to the Connecticut Valley. Learn why this document was so revolutionary in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4739, The Massachusetts Body of Liberties: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 7
Americans have had a tradition of written guarantees of rights since the time of the thirteen colonies. The Massachusetts Body of Liberties of 1641 provides a good example.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4738, Written Guarantees of Rights: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 6
Despite the presence of indentured servitude and slavery in colonial America, many Americans enjoyed written guarantees of their rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4737, Slavery in Colonial America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 5
Slavery was present in the thirteen American colonies since at least the early 1600s. Until slavery was abolished in the mid-nineteenth century, almost 12 million Africans were transported against their will to America. Listen to today's podcast to learn more about the foundations of slavery in the US.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4736, Indentured Servitude in Colonial America: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 4
Land was plentiful in the thirteen American colonies, but labor was scarce. It was also expensive to sail from Britain to America. This reality created incentives for indentured servitude. Learn more about these colonists in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4735, The Southern Colonies: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 3
The mostly rural and agricultural southern colonies differed a great deal from both the New England and Middle Colonies. Learn how in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4734, The Middle Colonies: Basic Ideas of Rights & Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 2
America's Middle Colonies included today's states of Delaware, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The Middle Colonies different in important ways from the New England colonies. Learn about these key differences in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4733, The New England Colonies: Basic Ideas of Rights & Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 1
The American colonies can be divided into three regions: New England, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. At the time of American independence, in 1776, the New England colonies were Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Learn more about this group of colonies in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4732, Why All Americans Should Understand the Government: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 10
In the final episode of our Hispanic Heritage Month series, guest host Hernan Sanchez asks Assemblymember Jose Medina why it is so important for every American to understand how the government works and actively participate in its functions. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4731, Priorities in the California State Assembly: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 9
In our latest Hispanic Heritage Month episode, Assemblymember Jose Medina discusses his priorities in the CA State Assembly with guest host Hernan Sanchez, namely his focus on making higher education affordable and accessible. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4730, Assemblymember Jose Medina's Decision to Run for Office: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 8
Assemblymember Jose Medina recounts with our guest host, Hernán Sanchez, his reasons for running for office and the figures who motivated him to enact his civic duty in this way.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4729, Hispanic Contributions to American Constitutionalism: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 7
In our latest Hispanic Heritage Month podcast with guest host Hernan Sanchez, Assemblymember Jose Medina explains the importance of learning about Hispanic cultures and understanding the contributions that Hispanics have made to American Constitutionalism. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4728, Assemblymember Jose Medina's Background: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 6
This week, we welcome our guest host, Hernan Sanchez, who interviews California Assemblymember Jose Medina about his background as a first-generation American.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4994, Doing the Right Thing Online: Digital Citizenship: Part 2 (rebroadcast)
A big part of digital citizenship is doing the right thing online; that is, respecting yourself and everyone else you interact with. Learn how to do this in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4727, The Importance of Civic Engagement: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 5
Civic education empowers us to be more informed, active citizens. Learn why civic engagement and education is so important for not only Hispanics, but all Americans in our latest Hispanic Heritage Month episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4726, The Importance of Education: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 4
Despite language and socioeconomic barriers, Hernan Sanchez has been interested in the American school system and education in general from a young age. Listen as he explains the importance of education in his personal experiences and how his experiences have supported his career thus far!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4725, Growing Up as a First-Generation American: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 3
In our next Hispanic Heritage Month podcast, Hernan Sanchez shares about his family and what it was like to grow up as a first-generation American. Listen to learn more about his experiences!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4724, How Hispanic Cultures Enrich the United States: Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 2
In this episode, Hernan Sanchez discusses some of the various ways that Hispanic cultures enrich the United States. He also explains the difference between the terms Latino and Hispanic, an important distinction in these conversations. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4723, What is Hispanic Heritage Month? Hispanic Heritage Month, Part 1
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month. During that time, we celebrate the histories, cultures, and also the contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from places like Spain, Mexico, The Caribbean, and Central and South America. Listen as Hernan Sanchez, Coordinator of National Programs for the Center for Civic Education, explains more about the importance of this celebration!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4989, Civic Participation: Democratic Norms, Part 2
Civic participation undergirds American democracy. In fact, it is what makes American democracy thrive. Listen to Dr. Meena Bose explain this important democratic norm in this episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4722, The Constitution Is Ratified!
Ratifying the Constitution was no easy task. It took several compromises, primarily between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, to reach a document that all the original states could agree upon. Learn about the rough road to ratification in this podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4721, Separated Powers and Parliamentary Systems: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 11
In the final episode of our series with Dr. Scott Casper, we ask him what are the strengths and weaknesses of a government with separated branches vs. a parliamentary system?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4720, Objections to the Constitution: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 10
While the Constitution is now the respected foundational document for the United States, we ask Dr. Casper: What were the principal objections of opponents of the Constitution?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4719, The Founders' Focus on the Legislative Branch: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 9
Why did the Founders spend more time dealing with the legislative branch than the executive branch? Find out in today's episode from the We the People Open Course featuring Dr. Scott Casper.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4718, The System of Separated and Shared Powers: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 8
In this episode, Dr. Scott Casper of the American Antiquarian Society assesses the system of separated and shared powers created in the U.S. Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4717, Election of the President by the Electoral College: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 7
In the third part of the video, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the final type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: the Electoral College. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4716, Election of the President by Congress: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 6
In the second of three parts, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the second type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: Election by Congress. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4715, Election of the President by the People: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 5
In the first of three parts, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the first type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: Election by the people. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4714, Designing the Judicial Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 4
What questions did the Framers address in designing the judicial branch? Check out more interviews with Dr. Scott Casper in Unit 2 of the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution at Learn.civiced.org.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4713, Designing the Executive Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 3
What questions did the Framers address in designing the executive branch? Check out more interviews with Dr. Scott Casper in Unit 2 of the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution at Learn.civiced.org.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4712, Designing the Legislative Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 2
We are once again joined by Dr. Scott Casper in an adapted series from the We the People Open Course, available at learn.civiced.org. Today we ask him: what questions did the Framers address in organizing the legislative branch?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4711, Factors for Designing the National Government: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 1
Today we kick off a special series adapted from the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution that you can find at Learn.civiced.org. We're joined by Dr. Scott Casper, president of the American Antiquarian Society. To start, we ask him: What questions did the Framers consider when designing the three branches of the national government?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4710, Promoting a Healthy Democracy: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 5
Of all the duties of citizens, perhaps none is more important than doing your part to ensure the healthy functioning of American constitutional democracy. What can you do to support the survival of our constitutional democracy? Find out today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4709, Effective Participation: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 4
A fundamental aspect of citizenship is participating in the civic affairs of the community and the nation. However, participation alone is not enough. It is important to participate in an informed, thoughtful, and effective manner. How do you do this? Find out in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4708, Respecting Individual Worth and Human Dignity: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 3
One key to fulfilling your responsibilities as an American citizen is to respect the value and human dignity of all people. This means treating other people with respect.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4707, Assuming the Responsibilities of a Citizen: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 2
Being a citizen of the United States means fulfilling certain personal, political, and economic responsibilities. Learn what these include and how you can take on these responsibilities in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4706, Becoming an Independent Member of Society: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 1
Today we launch a special series on the five civic dispositions of the National Assessment for Educational Progress Civics Framework. The first civic disposition stresses the importance of becoming an independent member of society. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4705, Challenging the System: Active Citizenship, Part 5
The American system of government is built on popular sovereignty. However, there have been times in our nation's history when the government did not pursue the common good. Part of being an active citizen is knowing when and how to challenge the system. Here are some principles that can help you.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4704, Serving Your Country: Active Citizenship, Part 4
When you serve your country, you are promoting the common good; that is, the good of everyone in the United States. There are several ways to serve your country. Listen to learn a few!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4703, Political Participation: Active Citizenship, Part 3
Elections have consequences. If you want a say in the political future of our nation, it is up to you to get involved. Luckily, there are many ways to accomplish this. Listen to learn how!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4702, Being an Active Citizen: Active Citizenship, Part 2
Active citizenship means getting involved in the life of your community and nation so that you can help determine the country's future. But how do you do this? Find out more today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4701, Being an Informed Citizen: Active Citizenship, Part 1
Most American citizens 18 years of age and older have the right to vote and choose our representatives who make our laws. But it is your obligation to cast an informed and responsible vote. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4700, Security: Digital Citizenship, Part 8
The online world is unfortunately full of people who would love to compromise your device and use it for their own purposes. So what can you do to stay secure online? Learn some simple tips today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4699, Staying Safe: Digital Citizenship, Part 7
The internet and social media can be great places to spend your time, but they also present certain dangers, especially for young people. It???s up to you to be aware of your own personal safety online, but there are a few commonsense recommendations that can help. Listen for these tips!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4698, Privacy: Digital Citizenship, Part 6
When you use digital technology, much of your personal information is collected by the companies that run them. You have a right to privacy, but you should also take steps to protect yourself. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4697, Responsibility: Digital Citizenship, Part 5
An important part of digital citizenship is taking responsibility for your actions on digital platforms.??Part of this is knowing when to engage and when to pull back. Today we share some simple tips for acting with responsibility online!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4696, Full Participation and Equal Access to Technology: Digital Citizenship, Part 4
What does it mean to participate fully in digital civic life? One factor to consider is whether all Americans have equal access to digital technology. But what barriers exist? Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4695, All About the Benjamins: Digital Citizenship: Part 3
Smartphones and other digital devices make it easy to buy things quickly, but it???s important to protect yourself when shopping online. Learn strategies for shopping smart online in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4694, Doing the Right Thing Online: Digital Citizenship: Part 2
A big part of digital citizenship is doing the right thing online; that is, respecting yourself and everyone else you interact with. Learn how to do this in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4693, What Is Digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship, Part 1
Young people today face a few unique challenges interacting with digital media. Our new series unpacks how to safely navigate these challenges while ensuring all rights are respected and that everyone is acting with responsibility.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4692, Lessons from Classical Philosophy: Back-to-School Basics, Part 12
The American Founders studied ancient Greek and Roman philosophers to learn about how to create the best form of government. Classical political philosophers taught that human beings are, by nature, social creatures.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4691, Self-government in Virginia: Back-to-School Basics, Part 11
In the more than 150 years of European settlement of the British North American colonies, by 1776 Americans had developed many different ways of organizing local governments. Listen to learn more about self-government in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4412, William Blackstone's Influence on the American Founders: Back-to-Basics Part 10
William Blackstone's explanations of English law, published between 1765 and 1769, were incredibly influential on the formation of basic rights in America. Listen to today's episode to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4690, William Blackstone's Influence on the American Founders: Back-to-Basics Part 10
William Blackstone's explanations of English law, published between 1765 and 1769, were incredibly influential on the formation of basic rights in America. Listen to today's episode to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4684, Native Americans and Colonial America: Back-to-School Basics, Part 5
The American colonists were not the first people on the North American continent. Native Americans had lived on the continent for at least 24,000 years. Listen to this episode to learn a little more about Native Americans during colonial times!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4683, The American Founders: Back to School Basics, Part 2
The American Founders drew on a number of basic ideas and experiences to create the kind of government they believed would best protect the natural rights of Americans and promote the common good. Get introduced to some of the Founders in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4682, An Adventure in Ideas with We the People: Back to School Basics, Part 1
The history of the American people has been a great adventure in ideas and in trying to make these ideas a reality. Over the next few weeks, 60-Second Civics will explore the important philosophical ideas and historical events that influenced the writing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4681, Passing the Buck and Pointing the Finger: Balance of Powers, Part 13
Why has Congress adopted a passing the buck and pointing the finger strategy when it comes to enacting legislation for certain responsibilities? Find out in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4680, Reasons for the Shift of Power Away from Congress: Balance of Powers, Part 12
The balance of power shifted from Congress to the presidency during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt and has remained there to this day. Learn what factors lead to this shift in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4679, The Shift of Power: Balance of Powers, Part 11
From the establishment of our government under the Constitution until Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration in the 1930s, Congress dominated the national government. But then power started to shift toward the executive branch. Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4678, Physical Evidence of the Founders’ Intentions: Balance of Powers, Part 10
Even the placement and design of the three branches of government in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., provides physical evidence of the Founders’ intent that Congress dominate the national government. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4677, Congress and the Impeachment Power: Balance of Powers, Part 9
Evidence that the Framers intended to create a predominant Congress is apparent by how they bestowed the branch with the power to impeach the president and other high officials in the national government. Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4676, The Framers Intended Congress to Dominate: Balance of Powers, Part 8
The Framers of the Constitution intended Congress to be the dominant branch of the national government.??Why was that? Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4675, Limits on Each Branch of Government: Balance of Powers, Part 7
The Framers of the Constitution created a system of separated and shared powers and checks and balances to limit and control the use of power by governmental institutions and to prevent the possibility of tyranny. Learn more of each branch’s ability to check the use of power by the other institutions in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4674, How the Supreme Court Shares Power: Balance of Powers, Part 6
The Framers of the Constitution wanted to prevent a tyrannical executive in the presidency and a tyranny of a majority in Congress.  But they were also careful to limit the power of the courts. Learn how in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4673, How the President Shares Power: Balance of Powers, Part 5
The Framers of the Constitution made each branch of the national government share some of its primary responsibilities and powers with one or more of the other branches. For example, the president and the executive branch have the primary responsibility for carrying out and enforcing laws. Learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4672, How Congress Shares Power: Balance of Powers, Part 4
The Framers of the Constitution wanted to limit the power of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the national government. So, they made each of them share some of its primary responsibilities and accompanying powers with one or more of the other branches. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4671, How to Prevent Tyranny: Balance of Powers, Part 3
The Framers of the Constitution were concerned about two things: First, the emergence of a tyrannical executive in the presidency and second, a tyranny of a majority in Congress. Learn how they design a system of government to address these concerns in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4670, Congress as the Predominant Branch: Balance of Powers, Part 2
Which branch of the federal government has the most power? We explore the intentions of the Framers for how powered was to be distributed among the branches in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4669, A Constitutional World Turned Upside Down: Balance of Powers, Pt 1
Today we begin a special series of podcasts to examine the question of whether power in the federal government is appropriately balanced between Congress and the executive and judicial branches. We will also learn how power has shifted from Congress to the executive and judicial branches of government and consider the implications of this shift.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4668, Public and Private Happiness: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 10
Many of our choices have social consequences and therefore have a civic dimension when they enhance or subtract from public happiness. Thus the pursuit of happiness must refer both to public and to private happiness.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4667, Self-control Is a Key to Happiness: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 9
Every day we make numerous choices in deciding what course of action will add to our well-being and what will make us happy. Making these choices is the pursuit of happiness. Learn more about this important concept in this podcast!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4666, Origin of the "Pursuit of Happiness": We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 8
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson announced that every human being has "certain unalienable rights," among which are those to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." But what did Jefferson mean by "the pursuit of happiness"?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4665, Rights That Cannot Be Taken Away: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 7
One key to understanding “inalienable” rights--as distinguished from ordinary, “alienable” rights--is found by turning to one of Thomas Jefferson’s rough drafts of the Declaration of Independence. Listen to learn more about the foundations of your rights that cannot be taken away!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4664, Inalienable Rights: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 6
The Declaration of Independence states that “all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”  But what does “unalienable Rights”, or as it was intended “inalienable Rights” mean? Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4663, Stoicism, Christianity, and Moral Equality: The Basic Ideas of Constitutional Government in the Colonies, Part 19
On Friday, we discussed the origins of Americans' sense of political equality, but our founders also possessed a strong sense of moral equality. Indeed, the idea of the moral equality of human beings has ancient origins. Listen to today's episode for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4662, All Men Are Created Equal: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 4
The Declaration of Independence states that among the "truths" that Americans hold to be "self-evident" is that "all Men are created equal." But what was meant by this statement? Learn more today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4661, The American Mind: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 3
Thomas Jefferson said that his purpose in writing the Declaration of Independence was to express a shared understanding of the American mind. Learn more about this term and its significance today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4660, Self-Evident Truths: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 2
That "all Men are created equal" and "endowed by their Creator with Certain unalienable Rights" was self-evident to Americans at the time of the writing of the Declaration of Independence. Why was this? Learn more about the foundations of our self-evident truths.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4659, Independence Day: We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, Part 1
Independence Day is a time to remember and appreciate our heritage of a democratic form of government and to reflect on our country's fundamental principles. Over the few episodes, 60-Second Civics will examine some of the fundamental ideas about government that are contained in the Declaration of Independence, which was passed by Congress on July 2, 1776, and issued on July 4.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4658, The Future for LGBTQ+ Rights: LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 7
There's a number of questions that surround the rights of transgender Americans and surround the rights of other parts of the LGBTQ spectrum that are going to continue to be very important when it comes to this particular social justice movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4657, Obergefell v. Hodges: LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 6
There's a long history of federal cases, like Romer v. Evans and Lawrence v. Texas, that eventually lead up to Windsor v. U.S. as well as Obergefell v. Hodges, which are really the federal Supreme Court marriage equality cases that all really focus on two particular elements of the U.S. constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4656, The Defense of Marriage Act: LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 5
Just like we see earlier in the courts, and we see in the legislatures, the executive branch plays a crucial role in the LGBTQ rights movement, particularly when it comes to marriage equality.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4655, Early Legislative Victories for LGBTQ+ Rights: LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 4
Like the courts' role, the legislative branch has played a pivotal role in the LGBTQ rights movement. New York, one of the nation's largest states, was a site for an early legislative victory, and that legislation set a standard for legislative action around the country.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4654, Goodridge: The Cinderella Moment for Marriage Equality, LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 3
Why was the 2003 Massachusetts decision in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health such an important moment, particularly when it comes to the role of courts in social justice movements? Find out more from Christopher R. Riano about this critical court case in the LGBTQ+ rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4653, Laying the Groundwork for LGBTQ+ Rights: LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 2
We're joined again today by Christopher R. Riano, the president of the Center for Civic Education and co-author, with William Eskridge, of Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-laws, winner of the American Bar Association's Silver Gavel Award. We ask him: What were some early LGBTQ+ rights questions that the community faced, particularly following what happened at Stonewall?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4652, What's Significant About the Stonewall Riots? LGBTQ+ Pride Week Series, Part 1
What were the Stonewall Riots and why are they seen as such an important milestone in the LGBTQ+ rights movement? Find out today as we launch a special weeklong series of LGBTQ+ Pride Week podcasts with our special guest, Christopher R. Riano, the president of the Center for Civic Education and co-author, along with William Eskridge, of Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-laws.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4651, Promoting a Healthy Democracy: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 5
Of all the duties of citizens, perhaps none is more important than doing your part to ensure the healthy functioning of American constitutional democracy. What can you do to support the survival of our constitutional democracy? Find out today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4650, Effective Participation: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 4
A fundamental aspect of citizenship is participating in the civic affairs of the community and the nation. However, participation alone is not enough. It's important to participate in an informed, thoughtful, and effective manner. How do you do this? Find out in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4649, Respecting Individual Worth and Human Dignity: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 3
One key to fulfilling your responsibilities as an American citizen is to respect the value and human dignity of all people. This means treating other people with respect.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4648, Assuming the Responsibilities of a Citizen: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 2
Being a citizen of the United States means fulfilling certain personal, political, and economic responsibilities. Learn what these include and how you can take on these responsibilities in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4647, Becoming an Independent Member of Society: Building Your Skills as a Citizen, Part 1
Today we launch a special series on the five civic dispositions of the National Assessment for Educational Progress Civics Framework. The first civic disposition stresses the importance of becoming an independent member of society. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4646, Juneteenth
In celebration of Juneteenth, we invited Dr. Vicki Ross-Norris back on the podcast to discuss the rich history and importance of this holiday for Americans.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4645, Challenging the System: Active Citizenship, Part 5
The American system of government is built on popular sovereignty. However, there have been times in our nation's history when the government did not pursue the common good. Part of being an active citizen is knowing when and how to challenge the system. Here are some principles that can help you.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4644, Serving Your Country: Active Citizenship, Part 4
When you serve your country, you are promoting the common good; that is, the good of everyone in the United States. There are several ways to serve your country. Listen to learn a few!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4643, Political Participation: Active Citizenship, Part 3
Elections have consequences. If you want a say in the political future of our nation, it is up to you to get involved. Luckily, there are many ways to accomplish this. Listen to learn how!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4642, Being an Active Citizen: Active Citizenship, Part 2
Active citizenship means getting involved in the life of your community and nation so that you can help determine the country's future. But how do you do this? Find out more today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4641, Being an Informed Citizen: Active Citizenship, Part 1
Most American citizens 18 years of age and older have the right to vote and choose our representatives who make our laws. But it is your obligation to cast an informed and responsible vote. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4640, Security: Digital Citizenship, Part 8
The online world is unfortunately full of people who would love to compromise your device and use it for their own purposes. So what can you do to stay secure online? Learn some simple tips today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 469, Staying Safe: Digital Citizenship, Part 7
The internet and social media can be great places to spend your time, but they also present certain dangers, especially for young people. It’s up to you to be aware of your own personal safety online, but there are a few commonsense recommendations that can help. Listen for these tips!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4639, Staying Safe: Digital Citizenship, Part 7
The internet and social media can be great places to spend your time, but they also present certain dangers, especially for young people. It???s up to you to be aware of your own personal safety online, but there are a few commonsense recommendations that can help. Listen for these tips!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4638, Privacy: Digital Citizenship, Part 6
When you use digital technology, much of your personal information is collected by the companies that run them. You have a right to privacy, but you should also take steps to protect yourself. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4637, Responsibility: Digital Citizenship, Part 5
An important part of digital citizenship is taking responsibility for your actions on digital platforms. Part of this is knowing when to engage and when to pull back. Today we share some simple tips for acting with responsibility online!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4636, Full Participation and Equal Access to Technology: Digital Citizenship, Part 4
What does it mean to participate fully in digital civic life? One factor to consider is whether all Americans have equal access to digital technology. But what barriers exist? Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4635, All About the Benjamins: Digital Citizenship: Part 3
Smartphones and other digital devices make it easy to buy things quickly, but it’s important to protect yourself when shopping online. Learn strategies for shopping smart online in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4634, Doing the Right Thing Online: Digital Citizenship: Part 2
A big part of digital citizenship is doing the right thing online; that is, respecting yourself and everyone else you interact with. Learn how to do this in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4633, What Is Digital Citizenship? Digital Citizenship, Part 1
Today's young people face a few unique challenges interacting with digital media. Our new series unpacks how to safely navigate these challenges while ensuring everyone's rights are respected and that everyone is acting with responsibility.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4632, Our Country's Aim Will Remain True Towards Justice: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 6
In light of the recent rise in violence toward Asian Americans, Justice Nakayama of the Hawai'i Supreme Court emphasizes that we must encourage everybody to learn, understand and deeply appreciate and embrace the rule of law in our country.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4631, What Does a Civic and Constitutional Education Mean to You?: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 5
In today's podcast, we ask Justice Nakayama: What does a civic and constitutional education mean to you? And, why have you dedicated so many years to ensuring greater access to civics for more Americans?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4630, Learning About Your Role As an American: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 4
A well-informed citizenry is the cornerstone of our democracy, which is why Justice Nakayama believes it's essential for all Americans to learn about their roles and responsibilities as citizens.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4629, Why Should Young People Consider Public Service?: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 3
"When you are a public servant, it is important to realize that you are indeed serving the public. I think about that all the time, and I consider it a higher calling." In our episode, Justice Nakayama shares her perspective on the value of public service.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4628, One of the First Women on the Hawai'i Supreme Court: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 2
Today, we ask Justice Nakayama: What is it like to be one of the first women to serve on the Hawai'i Supreme Court and one of the few Asian American women serving as a state supreme court justice? While Justice Nakayama shares times in which she faced discrimination, she nonetheless believes that "being on the Supreme Court is an honor and a privilege."

60-Second Civics: Episode 4627, How Did You Become a Justice on the Hawai'i Supreme Court?: Justice Paula Nakayama, Part 1
Today, we start a new series with Associate Justice of the Hawai'i Supreme Court, Paula Nakayama. In our first episode, Justice Nakayama shares how a lot of hard work and a little luck helped her achieve one of the highest positions in the legal profession.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4626, George Washington's Rules of Civility: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 13
Before he reached the age of sixteen, George Washington wrote down one hundred and ten Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation, which formed Washington's character at an early age. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4625, George Washington's Views on Slavery: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 12
George Washington was a leader of a revolution that was one of history's greatest advances for individual liberty. Yet throughout his life, he denied liberty to others as a slaveholder and gained wealth from their labor. Learn more about his contradictory positions in today’s episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4624, George Washington Warns Against Party and Faction: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 11
In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against the dangers of party and faction.??Listen to learn more about why he did this in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4623, How George Washington Established the Authority of the Presidency: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 10
George Washington's vigorous policies established the president as an energetic leader, not a ceremonial figurehead. But he was careful to stay within the bounds of the Constitution. Learn how Washington established his authority in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4622, George Washington Relied on the Advice of Others: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 9
As president, George Washington understood his own limitations and was not reluctant to rely upon the counsel of others. Learn more how he leaned on the expertise of others for great success in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4621, George Washington as President: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 8
As president, George Washington demonstrated the value of a strong executive in the hands of a trustworthy person. He stayed within the bounds of presidential authority outlined by the Constitution and the acts of the First Congress organizing the executive branch. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4620, George Washington, the Reluctant President: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 7
Persuaded that his election would help cement support for the new government, George Washington reluctantly agreed to serve as the nation's first president. Learn more about his start as president!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4619, A Strong Executive: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 6
At the Philadelphia Convention, which drafted the new Constitution for the United States, the delegates assumed that George Washington would become the nation's first president, and this encouraged them to propose strong, wide-ranging powers for the executive. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4618, George Washington on Patriotism: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 5
From the very beginning of the Revolution, George Washington was a nationalist. His country was America, not Virginia, and what America could become through a strong union of the states. Learn more about his patriotism in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4617, Washington's Support for Civilian Government: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 4
George Washington strongly supported the principle that the military is subordinate to civilian government. Listen to learn more about his support for civilian control of the government!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4616, The Newburgh Conspiracy: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 3
Washington never lost sight of the fact that his authority came from Congress, and that the purpose of the army was to carry out the will of the civil government, especially with confronted with the Newburgh Conspiracy. Learn more in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4615, George Washington the Soldier: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 2
As a soldier, George Washington demonstrated enough courage and decisiveness to command troops during several military actions. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4614, George Washington's Early Life: The Presidency of George Washington, Pt 1
On today's podcast, we begin a short series on George Washington, who was perhaps the most influential leader in the creation of the American nation. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4613, Separated Powers and Parliamentary Systems: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 11
In the final episode of our series with Dr. Scott Casper, we ask him what are the strengths and weaknesses of a government with separated branches vs. a parliamentary system?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4612, Objections to the Constitution: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 10
While the Constitution is now the respected foundational document for the United States, we ask Dr. Casper: What were the principal objections of opponents of the Constitution?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4611, The Founders' Focus on the Legislative Branch: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 9
Why did the Founders spend more time dealing with the legislative branch than the executive branch? Find out in today's episode from the We the People Open Course featuring Dr. Scott Casper.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4610, The System of Separated and Shared Powers: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 8
In this episode, Dr. Scott Casper of the American Antiquarian Society assesses the system of separated and shared powers created in the U.S. Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4609, Election of the President by the Electoral College: We the People with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 7
In the third part of the video, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the final type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: the Electoral College. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4608, Election of the President by Congress: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 6
In the second of three parts, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the second type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: Election by Congress. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4607, Election of the President by the People: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 5
In the first of three parts, Dr. Scott Casper discusses the first type of electoral process pondered by the Framers: Election by the people. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4606, Designing the Judicial Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 4
What questions did the Framers address in designing the judicial branch? Check out more interviews with Dr. Scott Casper in Unit 2 of the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution at Learn.civiced.org.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4605, Designing the Executive Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 3
What questions did the Framers address in designing the executive branch? Check out more interviews with Dr. Scott Casper in Unit 2 of the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution at Learn.civiced.org.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4604, Designing the Legislative Branch: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 2
We are once again joined by Dr. Scott Casper in an adapted series from the We the People Open Course, available at learn.civiced.org. Today we ask him: what questions did the Framers address in organizing the legislative branch?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4603, Factors for Designing the National Government: We the People Open Course with Dr. Scott Casper Pt. 1
Today we kick off a special series adapted from the We the People Open Course, a free online course on the U.S. Constitution that you can find at Learn.civiced.org. We're joined by Dr. Scott Casper, president of the American Antiquarian Society. To start, we ask him: What questions did the Framers consider when designing the three branches of the national government?

60-Second Civics: Episode 4602, A Just and a Lasting Peace: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 16
By the time of Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865, the Civil War was winding down. Learn more about his hopes for a just and a lasting peace after the war!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4601, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 15
Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, given on November 19, 1863, recognized the central importance of founding-era principles to the meaning and destiny of America. Learn more about this famous address in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4600, Abraham Lincoln and America's Founding Principles: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 14
Abraham Lincoln tried to revive and renew political principles that defined America at its birth in 1776 throughout his political career. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4599, The Thirteenth Amendment: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 13
While Lincoln justified his Emancipation Proclamation as an act of military necessity, he understood that a constitutional amendment was required to abolish slavery immediately and everywhere in the United States. Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4598, The Emancipation Proclamation: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 12
On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln publicly announced his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It warned the Confederate rebels that unless they rejoined the Union, a final proclamation would free all slaves within the seceded states. Listen to learn more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4597, Abraham Lincoln on Slavery: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 11
After winning the 1860 presidential election, Lincoln repeated his long-held opposition to slavery. However, he insisted that the federal government would not take action against slavery in the states where it existed. Learn more about this dissonance in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4596, Lincoln Takes Strong Action Against the Rebellion: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 10
Through his executive power, Lincoln took strong action against the rebellion, including suspending the writ of habeas corpus. This decision would face opposition and challenges in the Supreme Court. Listen for more!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4595, Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 9
At the outset of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, which is a court order directing that a prisoner be brought to court before a judge to determine whether that prisoner???s detention is lawful. Learn more about the implications of this action today!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4594, The Prize Cases: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 8
The Prize Cases, which came before the Supreme Court in 1863, posed a constitutional test of President Abraham Lincoln's use of war powers during an emergency. Learn more about the impact of this judicial ruling!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4593, Congress Approves Lincoln's Actions: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 7
Abraham Lincoln's "Message to Congress" on July 4, 1861, emphatically expressed the president's determination to defend the Union against the Confederate rebellion. He asked Congress to support his war-time policies and approve his mobilization actions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4592, Lincoln Takes Immediate Action Against the Confederacy: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 6
When fighting began between Confederate and Union forces in April of 1861, Abraham Lincoln acted quickly and strongly. Learn more about the implications of his approach for executive power in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4591, The Civil War Begins: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 5
By the time Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, seven slave states had seceded from the U.S. to form the Confederate States of America.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4590, Abraham Lincoln Elected President: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 4
While Lincoln would lose in the Illinois senatorial race in 1858, he would soon go on to win the U.S. presidential election in 1860. Learn more in this episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4589, Abraham Lincoln Opposes the Kansas-Nebraska Act: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 3
Abraham Lincoln briefly left politics after his first term as a U.S. congressman.  But national controversy over the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act brought Lincoln back to intense political activity. Learn more about this historic act and how it kicked off Lincoln's presidential run.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4588, Abraham Lincoln Begins His Political Career: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 2
Abraham Lincoln was largely self-taught, having less than one year of formal education. Yet, he led a successful political career. Learn more about the beginning of this career in today's episode!

60-Second Civics: Episode 4587, Abraham Lincoln's Early Life: Abraham Lincoln and Executive Power, Part 1
Today, we begin a brief series on Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States. We start by mapping his early years, which began in Kentucky on February 12, 1809.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4586, Dr. Carla Hayden's Advice to Young Women Considering Public Service: Women's History Month, Part 31
Today, we close our Women's History Month Series with our final interview with Dr. Carla Hayden, the Librarian of Congress. Dr. Hayden shares her mother's advice on the benefits of public service.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4583, Advice to Young People Considering Public Service: Women's History Month, Part 28
Today on 60-Second Civics, Judge Mae D'Agostino provides her advice to young people considering a career in public service.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4582, Judge Mae D'Agostino on Barriers to Women Entering the Legal Profession: Women's History Month, Part 27
On today's podcast, Judge Mae D'Agostino, a judge in the Northern District of New York, speaks about her belief that "more opportunities will be opening up for women in the years and months ahead" in the federal judiciary and what steps women entering the legal profession can take to better assure success in their legal career.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4581, Judge Mae D'Agostino on Serving as a U.S. District Court Judge: Women's History Month, Part 26
On this podcast, we welcome a very special guest: Judge Mae D'Agostino, a judge in the Northern District of New York. Judge D'Agostino speaks about how she came to serve in her position, and what it is like to be the first woman sitting as a judge in many of the courthouses she has presided over.

60-Second Civics: Episode 4580, The Equal Rights Amendment: Women's History Month, Part 25
The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed in 1923. Its ratification is still in limbo, with several states having rescinded their original ratification. It says, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

Showing 403 - 603 of 5123 results


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