60-Second Civics

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60-Second Civics: Episode 2748, Interstate Commerce and Drug Policy
How federal and local authorities conflict over commerce and drug regulations.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2747, Regulation of Commerce
Regulation of commerce cases demonstrate the kinds of issues that are common in America's system of shared governmental authority.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2746, State Constitutional Amendments
State constitutional amendments often reflect state responses to policy debates occurring throughout the United States.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2745, State Constitutions
Since the first state constitutions were adopted in 1776, state constitutional conventions have resulted in new constitutions being adopted some 144 times.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2744, Home Rule
From the Gilded Age to Dillon's Rule: How local governments have changed over time.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2743, Municipal Governments
There are three broad categories of local governments in the United States: Counties, municipalities, and special districts.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2742, County Governments
State constitutions give legislatures power to create local governments, which receive charters, or grants of authority, to carry out a wide range of governmental responsibilities.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2741, Lieutenant Governors
Lieutenant governors have been considered the fifth wheel of American politics. In reality, they have important responsibilities.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2740, State Executive and Legislative Branches
Learn about the executive and legislative branches of state government on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2739, State Legislatures
Every state has executive, legislative and judicial branches.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2738, State Bills of Rights
State constitutions have a lot in common.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2737, The Police Powers of States
Learn about the police powers of states on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2736, Police Powers Explained
What are the police powers of a state? Hint: they involve more than policing.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2735, States Play an Important Role
States play an important role in the structure and operation of the U.S. government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2734, States and the National Government
State governments and reserved powers.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2733, Changing the Size of the Supreme Court
Congress can change the size of the Supreme Court.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2732, Kelo v. New London
Kelo v. New London and eminent domain.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2731, Five Rules of Justiciability
Do you know the five rules of justiciability? You will after this podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2730, Limiting the Role of Judges
The Framers of the Constitution wanted federal courts to have limited jurisdiction.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2729, Congress and States Check the Supreme Court
Both Congress and the states can check the power of the Supreme Court.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2728, Presidents and Enforcement of Supreme Court Decisions
Sometimes, presidents balk at having to enforce Supreme Court decisions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2727, Presidential Influence Over the Supreme Court
How do Supreme Court justices get nominated? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2726, Limits on the Power of the Supreme Court
Are there limits on the power of the Supreme Court? We find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2725, Fundamental Principles and Modernism
Today we look at the fundamental principles and modernism approaches to constitutional interpretation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2724, Strict Construction and Original Intent
Today we examine the strict construction and original intent methods of constitutional interpretation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2723, Written Opinions of the Supreme Court
Today we learn about the function of written opinions of the Supreme Court.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2722, Debate Over Interpretation
Scalia and Breyer's views on how the Constitution should be interpreted.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2721, Writs of Certiorari
What is a writ of certiorari? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2720, Appellate Jurisdiction
Do you know the difference between original and appellate jurisdiction?

60-Second Civics: Episode 2719, Original and Appellate Jurisdiction
Learn about the appellate and original jurisdiction on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2718, Federal Courts
Today we present a one-minute overview the powers of federal courts under Article III of the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2717, The Public as Watchdogs
The public can serve as watchdogs of administrative agencies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2716, Courts and Federalism Check Administrative Agencies
The courts and our federal system check the power of administrative agencies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2715, Congressional Oversight of Administrative Agencies
The president has appointment powers, but Congress has the power to oversee administrative agencies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2714, Checks on the Powers of Administrative Agencies
Today we learn about checks on the power of administrative agencies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2713, Patronage vs. Civil Service
In general, public employees can't be fired for refusing to support the political party in power.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2712, Political Appointees
Political appointees are a powerful resource for incoming presidents.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2711, Civil Service Reform
The civil service system has been reformed several times.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2710, Creation of the Civil Service
How was the civil service created? The answer might surprise you.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2709, Bureaucracy
More on the bureaucracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2708, Expanding and Contracting Bureaucracy
Sometimes, the bureaucracy shrinks. Learn about the expanding and shrinking of federal agencies on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2707, The Growth of Bureaucracy
What has caused the federal bureaucracy to grow over time? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2706, Limits on the Power of Administrative Agencies
Administrative agencies are powerful, but their power is limited. Find out how on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2705, Powerful Administrative Agencies
Administrative agencies are powerful. Find out why on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2704, Independent Agencies
Independent Agencies created by Congress have quasi-legislative and judicial powers.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2703, Executive Office of the President
What is the Executive Office of the President? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2702, Executive Departments
Today we begin our exploration of the national bureaucracy.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2701, Administrative Agencies
Today we begin our series on the administrative agencies of the federal government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2700, The President and America's Reputation
Why is the president the preeminent figure in domestic and international politics? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2699, Congress and the Presidency
What happens if there is a tie in the Electoral College? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2698, The Electoral College
Just in time for election day! How the Electoral College works.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2697, Differences Between Parliament and Congress
There are critical differences between Parliament and Congress. Learn what these are on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2696, Parliament and the Prime Minister
How do Parliament and the prime minister differ from the American system? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2695, Congress and the Supreme Court Limit the President
Congress, the Supreme Court, and public opinion limit the power of the president.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2694, Congress Can Limit a President's Power
Congress has a number of ways to limit the power of presidents.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2693, Checks and Balances on the President's Power
The president's power is limited. Learn how on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2692, Executive Orders
Why have executive orders increased in recent years? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2691, Recommending Legislation to Congress
Find out about the president's role in lawmaking on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2690, Wanted: A Strong President
Americans want their presidents to be strong, but tend to distrust activist presidents.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2689, The Balance of Power
Can Congress and the Supreme Court reign in the power of the president? You bet.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2688, Congress and the Court reign in the president
Can Congress and the Supreme Court reign in the power of the president? You bet.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2687, Presidential Power in Emergency and Crisis
What does the Constitution say about presidential powers during emergencies or crisis? The answer may surprise you.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2686, Wars, Emergencies, and FDR
With the support of Congress, FDR responded to the multiple crises that occurred during his administration.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2685, Diplomat in Chief
How is the president America's diplomat in chief? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2684, The President and Treaties
The president can make treaties with the approval of two-thirds of the Senate.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2683, The President As Commander in Chief
The president is commander in chief, but only Congress can declare war.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2682, The President and Foreign Affairs
The president's power is at its greatest when it comes to foreign affairs.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2681, The President As Leader in Foreign Policy
The president has a number of important powers, but the president's powers are limited in important ways.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2680, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Find out why Franklin D. Roosevelt was arguably the most influential president of the 20th century.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2679, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Wilson
Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Wilson each contributed to the growth of presidential power.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2678, Jefferson and the Use of Presidential Power
Thomas Jefferson sought to be a model of republican simplicity.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2677, The Rise of Presidential Power
Some scholars trace the rise of the powerful modern presidency to Andrew Jackson.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2676, A Strong President, But Not Too Strong
The Framers of the Constitution wanted the president to be strong, but not too strong.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2675, Above Partisan Politics
The Framers of the Constitution expected presidents to be above partisan bickering. It didn't work out that way.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2674, A President's Inherent Powers
Today: some controversial inherent powers of presidents.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2673, Presidential Power and the Courts
Today we learn about Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson's opinion in Youngstown Sheet vs. Sawyer.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2672, Presidential powers
Learn about some of the president's powers on today's 60-Second Civics.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2671, Examples of impeachment
Seventeen national officers have been impeached since 1792.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2670, Impeachment
Any member of the House can initiate impeachment proceedings, but two-thirds of the Senate is required for removal from office.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2669, Investigations and the balance of power
Congress uses its powers of investigation most frequently when the majority are of a different party than the president.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2668, The power to investigate
Congress has conducted hundreds of investigations since 1792.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2667, The authority of Congress to conduct investigations
Even though it's not mentioned in the Constitution, Congress has the authority to carry out investigations.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2666, Lobbying
Is lobbying dangerous for democracy? Learn about lobbying on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2665, The role of constituents
Constituents play a vital role in American government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2664, The executive branch as a source for laws
The president has the constitutional authority to recommend measures for congressional consideration.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2663, Ideas for legislation
There is no shortage of sources of ideas for legislation available to members of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2662, Congress and individual rights
Today we learn about the role of Congress in protecting individual rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2661, Lawmaking, Part 5: Persistence and compromise
Lawmaking requires compromise.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2660, Lawmaking, Part 4: Conference committees and the veto
What happens when the House and Senate versions differ? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2659, Lawmaking, Part 3: The committee vote
What happens when a bill is passed by one chamber of Congress? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2658, Lawmaking, Part 2: Mark-up sessions
How do congressional committees work? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2657, Lawmaking, Part 1: Introducing a bill
Today we begin a brief series on how laws are made.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2656, Bills and resolutions
Today on the podcast: simple, joint, and concurrent resolutions.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2655, President pro tempore
Today we learn about the president pro tempore of the Senate and the majority whip of the House.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2654, Senate leadership
Today we learn about the vice president's role in the Senate.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2653, Office of Speaker in England and America
Today we contrast the speaker of the House of Commons with that of the House of Representatives.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2652, Leadership in the House vs. the Senate
The House and Senate have a different leadership structure.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2651, A powerful Speaker of the House
The Speaker of the House is a powerful position.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2650, Influence of political parties on Congress
Political parties have sway in Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2649, Senate rules
The Senate has rules, too. Learn about some of these on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2648, Rules for House committees
Rules, rules, rules. Your mom has them, your school has them, even the House of Representatives has them.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2647, The purpose of congressional committees
The careful, deliberative work of Congress often occurs during committee meetings.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2646, Congressional committees
Today we start our series on how Congress performs its functions in the American constitutional system.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2645, Casework and legislation
On today's podcast, we learn how members of Congress serve the public.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2644, Communication with constituents
According to C-SPAN, there are 570 official congressional Twitter accounts. Do you follow your members of Congress?

60-Second Civics: Episode 2643, Delegate vs. trustee theory of representation
Today on the podcast: the delegate vs. trustee theory of representation

60-Second Civics: Episode 2642, The size of Congress
How large is the U.S. Congress compared to other national legislatures? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2641, Congress composed of 535 legislators
Today we learn about the size of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2640, Gerrymandering
Today, it's everyone's least favorite political practice: gerrymandering.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2639, One person, one vote
Today we learn about the one person, one vote rule.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2638, Legislative districts
What can you do if you don't like the way your congressional district is drawn? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2637, Congress represents the people and the states.
Both the people and the states have a voice in Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2636, Inherent powers
The power to conduct investigations and compel testimony goes back to Parliament and the colonial legislatures.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2635, Enforcement powers
The enforcement powers of Congress have been used to enact sweeping civil rights, voting rights, and voting laws.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2634, Necessary and proper
The necessary and proper clause was controversial from the start.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2633, Congress and administrative agencies
Congress can both create and oversee administrative agencies.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2632, Implied powers of Congress
Today on 60-Second Civics, McCulloch v. Maryland and the implied powers of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2631, More enumerated powers of Congress
Today on the podcast, more enumerated powers of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2630, Enumerated powers of Congress
Today we learn about enumerated powers of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2629, How the Bill of Rights limits Congress
On today's episode, learn two ways that the Bill of Rights limits Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2628, How the Framers limited the power of Congress
The Framers of the Constitution mistrusted concentrations of power in government, so they sought to limit the power of Congress.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2627, Federalism in the United States
Congress is not only legislature in the United States.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2626, Lengths of terms of parliamentarians and members of Congress
Elections to the UK Parliament can occur at irregular intervals, but members of Congress are elected at regular intervals.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2625, Congress is one of three coequal branches
Congress is one of three coequal branches of the U.S. government.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2624, Parliamentary government prohibited
The Constitution forbids establishment of a parliamentary system for the United States.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2623, Congress vs. Parliament
Today we compare Congress with Parliament.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2622, The House of Commons
Today we learn about the House of Commons.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2621, The House of Lords
Today we learn about the House of Lords.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2620, Twenty-sixth Amendment
The Twenty-sixth Amendment lowered the voting age to 18.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2619, Removing obstacles to Native American voting
Native Americans were often deprived of their right to vote until Congress took action.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2618, Native American voters
In several states, Native Americans are viewed as an increasingly important voting bloc.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2617, Native American citizenship
Throughout most of the first two hundred years of the United States, Native Americans were denied American citizenship.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2616, Native American and citizenship
The Framers considered Native Americans to be members of their tribes, not citizens of the United States.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2615, The Nineteenth Amendment
The Nineteenth Amendment was finally adopted in 1920.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2614, The slow march to woman suffrage
Women in the United States gained the right to vote in small increments. Plenty of excuses were offered for not recognizing women's right to vote.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2613, Suffrage for women in the states
Even though the federal government was slow to recognize the right of women to vote, states like Wyoming took matters into their own hands.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2612, The long road to equal voting rights for women
The road to winning the right to vote for women was long, and suffragists faced many setbacks.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2611, Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments
Today we learn about the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2610, Literacy tests
Literacy tests were designed to disenfranchise African American voters. They did not disappear entirely until 1970.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2609, Poll taxes
Poll taxes were meant to keep the poor and minorities from voting. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment ended poll taxes in 1964.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2608, Civil Rights Act of 1868
Until discriminatory laws and Supreme Court rulings took effect, millions of African Americans were added to the voting rolls, and some were elected to public office.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2607, Fifteenth Amendment
In theory, the Fifteenth Amendment granted the right to vote to African American men. But discriminatory laws kept African Americans from exercising that right.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2606, Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago
Mexican American men faced discrimination and violence in Texas when they tried to exercise their right to vote.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2605, Dorr Rebellion
What was the Dorr Rebellion? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2604, Voting reform
Voting reform took place slowly after 1790.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2603, Property requirements
Suffrage in the original thirteen states expanded greatly after 1790.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2602, Voting and property
Thomas Paine, with his characteristically sharp wit, pointing out some problems with the property requirement for voting.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2601, Enfranchisement and disenfranchisement
Who was allowed to vote in after the Revolution? It depended on where you lived.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2600, Voting in the colonies
What legacy of Greek and Roman democracy did the colonists inherit? Find out on today's episode.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2599, Expansion of suffrage
How did the right to vote gradually expand in the United States? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2598, Controversy over equal protection
Today we examine some of the controversies surrounding equal protection.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2597, Rational basis
What is rational basis? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2596, Intermediate scrutiny
Today we discuss intermediate scrutiny and how it applies to gender-based distinctions in the law.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2595, Strict scrutiny
Strict scrutiny is the highest level of analysis used by the Supreme Court to determine whether equal protection has been violated.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2594, Equal protection today
How does the Supreme Court decide whether a law violates equal protection?

60-Second Civics: Episode 2593, Kenneth and Mamie Clark
Kenneth and Mamie Clark's research showed the severe and damaging psychological effects of segregation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2592, Brown vs. Board of Education
In 1953 the Supreme Court found that "the doctrine of separate but equal has no place."

60-Second Civics: Episode 2591, The NAACP
How did the NAACP help to end segregation in education? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2590, Jim Crow laws
What were Jim Crow laws? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2589, Equal protection and equal opportunity
What does equal protection of the laws mean? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2588, Arbitrary barriers to rights
The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects you from arbitrary infringement of your rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2587, The equal protection clause
Equal protection of the laws is rooted in the Declaration's statement that "all Men are created equal."

60-Second Civics: Episode 2586, Incorporation of criminal procedures
Why has the Supreme Court been reluctant to incorporate criminal procedural guarantees? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2585, Selective incorporation
What is selective incorporation? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2584, Gitlow vs. New York
Today we explore Gitlow vs. New York, the 1925 freedom of expression case.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2583, Interpreting due process
In the twentieth century, the Court began the process of incorporating the Bill of Rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2582, Fundamental rights recognized by the courts
The states must show they have a compelling interest in order to regulate certain fundamental rights.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2581, The courts and fundamental rights
How do the courts deal with issues of fundamental rights? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2580, Substantive due process
Today on the podcast we learn about substantive due process.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2579, Comparing the adversarial and inquisitorial systems
Which is better, the adversarial or inquisitorial system of justice? Learn the arguments on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2578, The fight theory of justice
What is the fight theory of justice? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2577, Beyond a reasonable doubt
In the American and English systems of justice, criminal defendants do not have to prove their innocence.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2576, Adversarial vs. inquisitorial systems of justice
Today we examine the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of justice.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2575, Examples of due process
What does due process of law mean? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2574, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and due process
Today we delve into due process and procedural due process.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2573, Due process of law
Due process of law is both an ancient and evolving concept.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2572, Discriminatory laws
Discriminatory laws aimed at reducing the political power of African Americans sowed the seeds of the civil rights movement.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2571, The Fifteenth Amendment
The Civil War amendments were not enough to protect the rights of African Americans.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2570, Black Codes
Learn about the Black Codes on today's podcast and how the country responded.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2569, How the country changed after the Civil War
The Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery. The war resolved many other issues as well.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2568, The Emancipation Proclamation and presidential power
Not everyone was happy with the Emancipation Proclamation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2567, The Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln used emancipation as a weapon of war.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2566, Lincoln asserts his authority
Lincoln ignored the Supreme Court's ruling on habeas corpus, and Congress backed him up with legislation.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2565, Taney vs. Lincoln
The chief justice of the Supreme Court and President Lincoln squared off over Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2564, Too strong or too weak?
Abraham Lincoln had to simultaneously exercise and limit his powers during the Civil War to preserve the Union and the Constitution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2563, Congress approves Lincoln's actions
Lincoln acted to aggressively counter secession; Congress supported him.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2562, Unprecedented presidential powers
President Lincoln exercised unprecedented presidential powers during wartime.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2561, Slavery and the Confederate constitution
The Confederates wrote a constitution based on the U.S. Constitution, but protected slavery.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2560, The philosophy behind the Confederacy
The Confederates believed they were fighting a second American Revolution.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2559, Lincoln and the start of the Civil War
The Civil War begins, and Lincoln responds quickly.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2558, Abraham Lincoln and secession
Abraham Lincoln's election prompted eleven Southern states to secede.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2557, Taney and the Dred Scott decision
Chief Justice Taney hoped his ruling in Dred Scott would resolve the slavery issue peacefully. It did the opposite.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2556, The reasoning behind the Dred Scott decision
In the infamous Supreme Court decision of Dred Scott v. Sandford, the Court held that African Americans were not citizens.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2555, The Dred Scott decision
Dred Scott sued for his freedom in a Supreme Court case that inflamed opinions on both sides of the slavery debate.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2554, Free soil and fugitive slaves
California was admitted to the Union as a state that banned slavery, but the South got a stronger Fugitive Slave Act in return.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2553, The aftermath of the Mexican-American War
How did California's statehood affect slavery in the United States? Find out on today's podcast.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2552, Admitting slave and free states
The Missouri Compromise kept the balance between the free and slave states for sixty years.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2551, The divisive issue of slavery
Abolitionists asserted that the Framers of the Constitution were ashamed of slavery.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2550, Slavery in the Constitution
The Framers of the Constitution sought to avoid the issue of slavery during the Philadelphia Convention.

60-Second Civics: Episode 2549, What's wrong with the party system?
What's wrong with the political party system today?

60-Second Civics: Episode 2548, Purposes of political parties
Political parties can give people a sense of organized participation in government.

Showing 2413 - 2613 of 5123 results


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